Vector variable in TMC classification

Dear experts,
I have a vector branch in my root file and I parse it to the TMVA classification (1). The code run fine and the vector variable looks fine (2). If this makes sense, I wonder how can I parse this “vector variable” to the reader? using (3) does not work with the “vector” type.

dataloader->AddVariable( “vec_jet_pT”, “vec_jet_pT”, “MeV”, ‘F’ )


TMVA::Reader *reader = new TMVA::Reader( “!Color:!Silent” );
vector<float> r_jet_pT;
reader->AddVariable(“vec_jet_pT”, &r_jet_pT );

Dear experts,
any ideas?


In (1) TMVA will consider only the first entry of the vector. (The variable is added as a float).

This means you have to make the reader understand the same thing by

TMVA::Reader *reader = new TMVA::Reader( “!Color:!Silent” );
Float_t r_jet_pT;
reader->AddVariable(“vec_jet_pT”, &r_jet_pT );


Dear Kim,

  • I run the same code with the vector of pt (the leading pt is the 1st value in the vector) and the leading pt variable. I checked that the vector[0] always correspond to the leading pt, but TMVA give me different output, here are the log file:
  1. vector:
  2. leading pt:

you can see that the ROC is 0.727 for the vector and 0.719 for the leading pt variable. Depending on how I configure the DNN these ROC are significantly different.

Here are the response and input variable:
3) vector:

  1. leading pt:

Do you see where is coming these differences?



TMVA will include concatenate all entries in an array variable, keeping all other non-array variables constant. Having two variables, one scalar (x) and one vector (y) with a length of two would create the following TMVA events

(x_0, y_{0, 0})
(x_0, y_{0, 1})
(x_1, y_{1, 0})
(x_1, y_{1, 1})

where the first index indicates sample id and the second indexes into the vector.

This means you probably will want to add the variable as

dataloader->AddVariable( “vec_jet_pT_0 := vec_jet_pT[0]” “MeV”, ‘F’ );

or similar. This would be equivalent (according to you description) to

dataloader->AddVariable( “vec_jet_pT_0 := lead_jet_pT” “MeV”, ‘F’ );

One can of course then add the other entries as
dataloader->AddVariable( “vec_jet_pT_1 := vec_jet_pT[1]” “MeV”, ‘F’ );


Dear Kialbert,
does it make sense if I just use:
dataloader->AddVariable( “vector_pT”, “vector_pT”, “MeV”, ‘F’ );

I mean what the code does if I use that? It seems to work.



  1. If your variable vector_pT can be seen as a single variable then this makes sense.

  2. If you want your classifier to be able to make decisions based on vector_pT[0] and vector_pT[1] separately, then you’d have to do something different.

So, when you plot vector_pT, if you always flatten the 2-d vector into a 1-D one I’d say 1) is fine. Otherwise be careful :slight_smile:


Dear Kialbert,
my problem is that I do not know what the TMVA code does, I wonder if an expert know what the code does if I use: dataloader->AddVariable( “vector_pT”, “vector_pT”, “MeV”, ‘F’ );
I mean I’m just running the tools. When I used “vector_pT” I see much better separation than if I use " vector_pT[0]", so I wonder what can explain this difference? does it use all the values in the vector, or only one of them…?


This is what I’m trying, and unfortunately failing, to explain. Let me try with a different approach. :slight_smile:

lead_jet_pT is a property of an event while vec_jet_pT contains data for individual jets. TMVA tries to be helpful when you add a vector variable and assumes that you want to do classification on the individual jets (as opposed to the whole physics event). So it creates new TMVA::Event's for each entry in the vector; A vector with length 5 would, instead of 1 TMVA::Event, generate 5 TMVA::Event's.

The TMVA::Reader is not directly aware of this behaviour, so you would have to replicate it manually to have consistent results between training/testing (TMVA::Factory) and application (TMVA::Reader).

Something along the lines of the code snippet below would be necessary.

int x = 0;
float vec_pT = 0.;
reader.AddVariable("x", &x);
reader.AddVariable("vec_pT", &vec_pT);

tree = GetTree();
tree.SetBranchAddress("x", &x);
// Note we are not using `AddVariable("vec_pT")` here.
// We'll be loading that value manually later.

for (ievent = 0; i < tree->GetEntries(); ++ievent) {
    // This will get the correct value of `x`
    for (ijet = 0; i < numJets; ++ijet) {
        // This would get, in turn, each of the jet pt's and feed them into tmva
        // Warning: there are probably better ways of doing this, and I'm not even sure
        // it works as is written here, but I hope you understand the idea.
        vec_pT = *(static_cast<float *>(tree->FindLeaf("vec_pT")->GetValuePointer()) + ijet);
        float prediction = reader->EvaluateMVA("MyMVA");
        std::cout << "My prediction is: " << prediction << " for event " << ievent*numJets + ijet << std::endl;

I hope it’s a bit more clear now.


Dear Kim,

in TMVAClassification.C decided to used (1). To parse that to the reader, I did (2), but I got the error message (3). Do you see what is wrong? You can see the entire code here (4).

dataloader->AddVariable( “jet_pT_0 := jet_pT[0]”, “jetPt_0”, “MeV”, ‘F’ );


float r_jet_pT_0;

reader->AddVariable(“jet_pT[0])”, &r_jet_pT_0 );

itree->SetBranchStatus(“jet_pT”, 1);
vector *jet_pT;
itree->SetBranchAddress( “jet_pT”, &jet_pT );

for (Long64_t ievt=0; ievtGetEntries(); ievt++) {
r_jet_pT_0 = jet_pT[0];
dnn_response = reader->EvaluateMVA(“DNN”);



Dear experts,
any idea?

In your code the variable jet_pT is declared as a pointer to vector of float vector<float> *jet_pT;. Changing your assignment from r_jet_pT_0 = jet_pT[0]; to r_jet_pT_0 = (*jet_pT)[0]; should do the trick.

(That is instead of setting r_jet_pT_0 to the first vector of floats in jet_pT, set it to the first element of the pointed-to vector.)
