To define a vector<int> in pyroot one can do:
vec = ROOT.std.vector('int')()
Is it possible to use vectors with embedded pair in pyroot, e.g:
vector<pair<int, float>>
To define a vector<int> in pyroot one can do:
vec = ROOT.std.vector('int')()
Is it possible to use vectors with embedded pair in pyroot, e.g:
vector<pair<int, float>>
Why not?
>>> ROOT.std.vector('pair<int, int>')
<class 'ROOT.vector<pair<int,int> >'>
>>> ROOT.std.vector('pair<int, int>')()
<ROOT.vector<pair<int,int> > object at 0x5589910921c0>
>>> pvec = ROOT.std.vector('pair<int, int>')()
>>> pvec.push_back((1, 2))
>>> pvec[0]
<ROOT.pair<int,int> object at 0x558991d1f340>
>>> pvec[0].first
>>> pvec[0].second
>>> x, y = pvec[0]
>>> x, y
(1, 2)
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