Using TFITSHDU to read a Table with arrays as column elements

Dear ROOTers,

I am trying to use the TFITSHDU class to read the Table in the Header Data Unit (HDU) of a FITS file.
The TFITSHDU class works fine for images and plain table, but it appears unable to support a table
whose columns contain arrays rather than simple floats.

A bit of background: the data I am trying to read (a picture follows) represent a 2-dimensional PDF of an energy estimator. Since it is mostly 0, a sparse matrix is stored, with the columns F_CHAN and N_CHAN declaring the non empty bins and the MATRIX column stating the PDF values in them.

If you want to repeat the test, you can find the file here

Already when I open it I get a warning

root [0] TFITSHDU *hdu = new TFITSHDU("rmf_obs5029747.fits[1]")
Warning in <TFITSHDU::LoadHDU>: error opening FITS file. Column type -21 is currently not supported
Warning in <TFITSHDU::LoadHDU>: error opening FITS file. Column type -21 is currently not supported
Warning in <TFITSHDU::LoadHDU>: error opening FITS file. Column type -42 is currently not supported
(TFITSHDU *) 0x7fe222c607b0

There are no problems in reading plain columns, e.g. the ENERG_LO one

root [1] hdu->GetTabRealVectorColumn("ENERG_LO")->Print()

Vector (80)  is as follows

     |        1  |
   0 |1e+07 
   1 |1.12202e+07 
   2 |1.25893e+07 
   3 |1.41254e+07 
   4 |1.58489e+07 
   5 |1.77828e+07 

The problem is the TVectorD returned by GetTabRealVectorColumn cannot handle the arrays stored in the entries of the, for example, F_CHAN column

root [2] hdu->GetTabRealVectorColumn("F_CHAN")->Print()

Vector (80)  is as follows

     |        1  |
   0 |0 
   1 |0 
   2 |0 
   3 |0 
   4 |0 
   5 |0 

as you can see the array nature of each value of the F_CHAN column is completely ignored.

I would like to use TFITSHDU as much as possible, but I am afraid that for this problem I need to go back to the CFITSIO libraries.

Is it correct to say that reading such files with the current TFITS implementation is not possible?

NOTE: I cannot change the input file as this is an established data format used by X-ray and Gamma-ray astronomical instruments.

Thank you,


ROOT Version: any version > 6
Platform: platform-independent
Compiler: compiler-independent

We really rely on external contributions with FITS. Your post tells me that there is a limitation - we can certainly accept a patch to fix that limitation! Would you be interested in giving it a try?

Cheers, Axel.

Hello @Axel,

Yes I can give it a try, I never contributed to ROOT, though.
From your contributors guideline it seems that you follow the normal git workflow. So can I just try a patch and submit a pull request, or does it have to be discussed someplace else first?

Thank you,


So can I just try a patch and submit a pull request,

Yes! Looking forward to that! :slight_smile:

It would be great if you could add a test, too - we have a tutorial which serves a dual purpose as a test, but you’re welcome to create a Google test under graph2d/fitsio/test, see e.g. what’s in hist/hist/test/.

Cheers, Axel.

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