Using TCuts in if conditions

Dear Root experts,
I was wondering if I can use a TCut in an “if” condition.
For example, let’s say I am reading a branch called “InF_Lepton1_isMuon” which contains vectors of int (only 0s or 1s) and fill a histogram. I would like to apply a cut which is saved as a TCut. Something like the following:

TCut mycut = “InF_Lepton1_isMuon->at(i) == 1”;
for (int i=0; iGetEntries(); i++) {
if (mycut)
When I do this I get no errors from the compiler or in the runtime, but when I look at the results I see that the condition is not applied.
Is it possible to apply a condition saved as a TCut either in an if condition or ant other way?
Thank you in advance for the help

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InF_Lepton1_isMuon->at(i)” makes no sense.
You probably want (for each tree entry “i”):

for (unsigned j = 0; j < InF_Lepton1_isMuon.size(); j++) if (InF_Lepton1_isMuon->at(j) == 1) Hist->Fill(InF_Lepton1_isMuon->at(j));

Hi @Wile_E_Coyote ,
Thank you very much for the quick response. You are right, I need to do this for each entry “i”. Your suggestion works well and I was actually using it before but the reason I would like to save and apply it as a TCut is that I could loop over some different conditions and save them in the TCut object and apply. For example:

std::vector<<std::string>> TMuonCutNames{"IsPFMuon","IsGlobalMuon","IsTrackerMuon","IsLooseMuon","IsMediumMuon"};
for (int iTM=0; iTM<(int)TMuonCutNames.size(); iTM++) {
										std::string ConditionString = (std::string)TempMCTMuonHistograms[iTM]->GetTitle() + "->at(Index) != 0";
										TCut Condition = ConditionString.c_str();
										std::cout << Condition << endl;
										if (Condition) {

This is not the complete code but I wanted you have a feeling of why I insist on saving the condition in a TCut object.
I am happy to show the entire code too if it helps.
Thanks again


TString ConditionString = TString::Format("%s->at(%d) != 0", TempMCTMuonHistograms[iTM]->GetTitle(), (int)Index);
TCut Condition(ConditionString);

I tried your suggestion and it compiles and runs but looking at the results, I see that the cuts are not applied as if there was no condition applied.
Thanks again for looking into this

And why do you think “if (Condition)” is supposed to work?

TCut t("1 == 1"), f("1 == 0");
if (t) std::cout << "passed\n";
if (f) std::cout << "passed\n";

The TCut is primarily designed for the TTree::Draw only.

Well, if you can, try to play with the ROOT::RDataFrame, which offers some ways to “mix” strings with C++ code.

Thank you very much for your help, I’ll try to go through “RDataFrame” and see what I find.
Thanks again