Using a minimizer to sequentially optimize RDataFrame filters


I am trying to sequentially optimize some cuts on my data , using RDataFrame and ROOT::Math::Minimizer.

I want to apply a cut (filter) depending on two parameters to one column of the dataframe, and use the minimizer to find the best cut parameters, determined by a value, which I calculate from the dataframe. This process I want to apply sequentially on multiple columns, while each time the dataframe keeps the previous filters.

My first unsuccessful approach was to write a function

double calculateFOM(double cutpar1, double cutpar2,  ROOT::RDF::RInterface<ROOT::Detail::RDF::RJittedFilter, void>  filteredDF, string columnName)
    ... // apply a filter and calculate a figure of merit (double FOM)
    return FOM;

and then to fix the dataframe and column name in my macro by defining a lambda expression, which has only the cut parameters as input:

auto calculateFOM1 = [&](const double *x){return calculateFOM(x[0], x[1], MyFilteredDF, MyColumnName);};

However, I didn’t manage to pass a lambda expression to the minimizer. I tried it e.g. by doing ROOT::Math::Functor f1(&calculateFOM1,2); following this example, but this method doesn’t accept lambdas.

Is there a way to minimize a lambda expression?

My second approach is to write a class, that generates a function calculateFOM, which the minimizer hopefully will accept. This class includes a method SetParameters, which allows me to pass the filtered dataframe and column name to the function:

class generateFunction
        string columnName;
        ROOT::RDF::RInterface<ROOT::Detail::RDF::RJittedFilter, void>  filteredDF;

        void SetParameters(ROOT::RDF::RInterface<ROOT::Detail::RDF::RJittedFilter, void> df1, string name)
                auto filteredDF1= df1;
                auto columnName = name;

        double  calculateFOM(double cutpar1, double cutpar2){

            filteredDF= filteredDF.Filter(std::to_string(cutpar1) + " < " + columnName + " < " + std::to_string(cutpar2));
           ... // do some calculation that returns a figure of merit (double FOM) ***

            return FOM;

However this doesn’t compile:

... error: call to implicitly-deleted default constructor of 'generateFunction'
... default constructor of 'generateFunction' is implicitly deleted because field 'filteredDF' has no default constructor
                ROOT::RDF::RInterface<ROOT::Detail::RDF::RJittedFilter, void>  filteredDF;

I guess the problem is the declaration of the filteredDF. What is the correct way to do this?
Or should I better use a different approach?

Thanks in advance!

ROOT Version: 6.24.02
Platform: linuxx8664gcc
Compiler: Not Provided

Hi @konrad ,
try substituting ROOT::RDF::RInterface<...> with the generic ROOT::RDF::RNode, that might help.
If not, please share a minimal reproducer of the problem that we can play with a little bit.


Hi Enrico,

doing this substitution unfortunately didn’t help. I am preparing a minimal example and will share it soon.


optimizeCuts.C (3.7 KB)

Hello again,

attached you can find a minimal example that illustrates and reproduces my problem.

The script creates two root files with random data, from which I create the dataframes.
I try to pass the dataframes to a function with the help of a class, and then just to execute the function to estimate the goodness of my cut (depending on two cut parameters).

However this doesn’t compile with the error message mentioned before.


Hi @konrad ,
had to fix a few things but it now compiles and runs (next step is making sure that it runs and does what you want it to do :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: ).

  1. making generateFunction default-constructible. For that we need to initialize the ROOT::RDF::RNode variables to something, because an RNode object cannot be default-constructed:
-  ROOT::RDF::RNode data1;
-  ROOT::RDF::RNode data2;
+  ROOT::RDF::RNode data1 = ROOT::RDataFrame(0);
+  ROOT::RDF::RNode data2 = ROOT::RDataFrame(0);
  1. Actually set the class data members in SetParameters, rather than local variables:
   // set parameters
   void SetParameters(ROOT::RDF::RNode df1, ROOT::RDF::RNode df2, string name) {
-    auto data1 = df1;
-    auto data2 = df2;
-    auto columnName = name;
+    data1 = df1;
+    data2 = df2;
+    columnName = name;
  1. Fix a bug in the filter strings: in C++, l < c < u is not the same as l < c && c < u (see e.g. here):
   // dataframes, to be minimized
   double calculateFOM(double l, double u) {

-    data1 = data1.Filter(std::to_string(l) + " < " + columnName + " < " +
+    data1 = data1.Filter(std::to_string(l) + " < " + columnName + " && " + columnName + " < " +
-    data2 = data2.Filter(std::to_string(l) + " < " + columnName + " < " +
+    data2 = data2.Filter(std::to_string(l) + " < " + columnName + " && " + columnName + " < " +

     auto temp1 = data2.Count();
  1. As an optimization, we can use C++ lambdas instead of strings for the Filter expressions:

-    data1 = data1.Filter(std::to_string(l) + " < " + columnName + " && " + columnName + " < " +
-                         std::to_string(u));
-    data2 = data2.Filter(std::to_string(l) + " < " + columnName + " && " + columnName + " < " +
-                         std::to_string(u));
+    data1 = data1.Filter([l,u](double c) { return l < c && c < u; }, {columnName});
+    data2 = data2.Filter([l,u](double c) { return l < c && c < u; }, {columnName});

This is the end result: optimizeCuts.C (3.9 KB)

That still doesn’t use a ROOT minimizer. If you encounter any problem with that step just provide an updated version of this reproducer and we can take a look.


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Thank you very much for your help!

With your changes the function works without problem, and I was able to give it to a minimizer. To conclude, I updated the minimal example, in case someone else stumbles on the same problem:

optimizeCuts.C (4.4 KB)

I used ROOT::Math::Minimizer with Minuit2, and I obtain fast and good results with the Simplex algorithm (in my real data, in the example code it doesn’t really makes sense, but it minimizes something :smiley: ).

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Amazing :slight_smile:

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