Hello I simulated by geant4 a beam hitting a target positioned in a vacuum chamber. out of the vacuum chamber I positioned a scintillator to estimate which particles hit the scintillator and the radiation absorbed by it. This is the setup:
I’m looking for electrons, positrons and photons hitting the scinttillator, but there are some runs in which I obtained only electrons and photons but I didn’t obtained positrons (i.e. no positrons hitted the scintillator).
Instead of to write in the results that I got 0 positrons I would set an UL
Is there some UL for this case that I can easily estimate by ROOT? I simulated 3*10^8 primary electrons.
I know this method (FC) to calculate the selected events Ns on a total of events NTot
I think the method you are using are not correct for your problem. From my understanding the observation of positrons is a Poisson process without any background. TFeldmanCousins should be used for cases where there is a background, and TEfficiency for binomial processes.
You can use the classic frequentist Poisson confidence interval, see for example table 40.3 of https://pdg.lbl.gov/2021/reviews/rpp2020-rev-statistics.pdf.
ROOT implements the 1-sigma (66%) or 2-sigma (95%) intervals for the Poisson in TH1::GetBInErrorUp/Low after setting TH1::SetBinErrorOption(TH1::kPoisson) or ``TH1::SetBinErrorOption(TH1::kPoisson2)`.
See ROOT: hist/hist/src/TH1.cxx Source File.
Hello @moneta thank you for your help
I added the function
Double_t TH1::GetBinErrorUp(Int_t bin) const
if (fBinStatErrOpt == kNormal) return GetBinError(bin);
// in case of weighted histogram check if it is really weighted
if (fSumw2.fN && fTsumw != fTsumw2) return GetBinError(bin);
if (bin < 0) bin = 0;
if (bin >= fNcells) bin = fNcells-1;
if (fBuffer) ((TH1*)this)->BufferEmpty();
Double_t alpha = 1.- 0.682689492;
if (fBinStatErrOpt == kPoisson2) alpha = 0.05;
Double_t c = RetrieveBinContent(bin);
Int_t n = int(c);
if (n < 0) {
Warning("GetBinErrorUp","Histogram has negative bin content-force usage to normal errors");
((TH1*)this)->fBinStatErrOpt = kNormal;
return GetBinError(bin);
// for N==0 return an upper limit at 0.68 or (1-alpha)/2 ?
// decide to return always (1-alpha)/2 upper interval
//if (n == 0) return ROOT::Math::gamma_quantile_c(alpha,n+1,1);
return ROOT::Math::gamma_quantile_c( alpha/2, n+1, 1) - c;
in my macro…but I didn’t understand how to get the value of the UL