Update to ROOT 5.22 : undefined symbol: gGeoIdentity

Dear all,

I tried to update from 5.21/06 to 5.22. I compiled ROOT as I usually do :

./configure --with-pythia6-uscore=SINGLE --enable-alien --with-alien-incdir=${ALIEN_ROOT}/api/include --with-alien-libdir=${ALIEN_ROOT}/api/lib --enable-soversion --enable-mysql make

After the update, the dqm agents are still working perfectly, but not our gui. Here is the error message I get when launching it :

dlopen error: /local/root/lib/libGeomPainter.so: undefined symbol: gGeoIdentity Load Error: Failed to load Dynamic link library /local/root/lib/libGeomPainter.so Error in <TCint::AutoLoadCallback>: failure loading dependent library libGeomPainter.so for class TEveElement Load Error: Failed to load Dynamic link library /home/bvonhall/amoreSite/lib/libAmoreEVEUI.so

I use the following libraries of ROOT when linking :
$(shell root-config --glibs) -lEve -lTreePlayer -lGeom -lRGL -lGed -lEG -lXMLIO

Do I miss something ? does some classes have moved ?

Thanks in advance,


You are missing -lGeomPainter


Ok, right, it seems rather obvious now that pointed it… :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot,