Unknown Class,null pointer

_ROOT Version: 6.26/10
_Platform: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
_Compiler: gcc

I am trying to open a file using root, when i open it using TBrowser, it gives the following warning/error

root [1] Error in TKey::ReadObjWithBuffer: Unknown class $� *�!!
Info in TFile::GetStreamerInfoList: cannot find the StreamerInfo record in file pain.root
(TFile *) 0x558ca1fed010

but allows me access to the plots.

however when i use the following command in terminal using root

root [1] std::unique_ptr myFile( TFile::Open(“pain.root”));
Error in TKey::ReadObjWithBuffer: Unknown class $� *�!!
Info in TFile::GetStreamerInfoList: cannot find the StreamerInfo record in file pain.root
root [2] myFile
(std::unique_ptr &) std::unique_ptr → nullptr

i am left with a null pointer

Since TBrowser Can access the file, there must be someway for me to access.

The file has many trees and i want to write a small script to make it easy for me to get some particular plots.


P.S. Sorry for any lack of information, i am new to this software and community.

The file seems corrupted. Try:

root.exe -b -l -q pain.root -e 'gFile->ls();'

I got this, still showing the earlier exception :

Error in : Trying to dereference null pointer or trying to call routine taking non-null arguments.
Execution of your code was aborted.

Alright. The file is very corrupted and not recoverable. How did you produce it?