In the simple geometry (4 nodes) at the end of this post, one of the nodes (outer_box
) is added to the top node using the TGeoNode::AddNodeOverlap()
method, even though it is fully contained within its parent and does not overlap with any of its siblings. This may be inefficient, but as far as I understand it is allowed because it does not violate any pre-condition.
Now, if I try to navigate from a point very close to the surface of this box towards the inside of the box, the navigator sees neither the box nor its child volume, and proceeds directly to the surface of the clipped_box
behind it. The expected behaviour would be to hit the surface of either outer_box
or filler
(depending on rounding, since the point is precisely at the surface).
There are two ways I can restore the expected behaviour:
- change
container.AddNodeOverlap(outer_box, 1, t1)
intocontainer.AddNode(outer_box, 1, t1)
; - suppress the
Tested with ROOT v5.34.30 and v6.6.0.
Is this a bug?
Full PyROOT listing:
from ROOT import gROOT, TGeoManager, TGeoTranslation, TGeoMaterial, TGeoMedium, TMath
mgr = TGeoManager("Geom","Geom")
# lengths
box_side = 7.62
inner_box_side = 7.
half_height = 52.874
container_half_height = 56.684
material = TGeoMaterial('material')
medium = TGeoMedium('medium', 1, material)
# volumes
container = mgr.MakeTube("container", medium, 0., 80.9625/2, container_half_height)
outer_box = mgr.MakeBox("outer_box", medium, box_side/2, box_side/2, half_height)
filler = mgr.MakeBox("filler", medium, inner_box_side/2, inner_box_side/2, half_height)
clipped_box = mgr.MakeBox("clipped_box", medium, box_side/2, box_side, half_height)
# nodes
outer_box.AddNode(filler, 1)
t1 = TGeoTranslation(box_side*0.5,box_side*-4.5, container_half_height - half_height)
container.AddNodeOverlap(outer_box, 1, t1)
t2 = TGeoTranslation(box_side*1.5,-box_side*5, container_half_height - half_height)
container.AddNodeOverlap(clipped_box, 1, t2)
# adminstratrivia
# testing
# this point is right on the north face of /container_1/outer_box_1
point = (1.506819e+00, -3.048000e+01, -3.266042e+01)
# pointing inwards
omega = [8.198252e-01, -5.061459e-01, 0.0]
omega_norm = TMath.Sqrt(omega[0] * omega[0] + omega[1] * omega[1] + omega[2] * omega[2])
omega[0] /= omega_norm
omega[1] /= omega_norm
omega[2] /= omega_norm
node = mgr.InitTrack(point[0], point[1], point[2], omega[0], omega[1], omega[2])
next_node = mgr.FindNextBoundaryAndStep()
print("from=" + node.GetName())
print("to=" + next_node.GetName())
print("step=" + str(mgr.GetStep()))
if next_node.GetName() != 'filler_1':
print('The filler box has not been seen!')