Unexpected behavior when using schema evolution


I tried to use the new schema evolution which is a great new feature. Since I didn’ find a corresponding documentation I start to experiment with the schema evolution, but whatever I changed I couldn’t see any effect of the changes when checking the data with the TBrowser or the TreeViewer.

To simplify things I copied the example from the topic “Schema evolution rules not applied when loading from TTree” and modified things for my needs. Finaly I learned that when looping over the entries of a created tree using a library containing the new version of the example class in a macro I get the expected results after schema evolution. When starting a TBrowser and a TreeViewer in the same macro I only see the data written to
file with the old version of the example class.

Is this the expected behavior? I expect to see the data after schema evolution?

I attach my minimal working example to the topic.


schemaEvolutionExample.tar.gz (2.33 KB)


The TBrowser and TTreeViewer only show the physical branches in the TTree and thus would not show new data members:tree->Draw("exampleObjects.fPhi","","", 100, 0);does indeed work.

The fact that fRun is not updated correctly is indeed an over-sight. Could you submit a bug report in savannah so this issue tracked?



Thanks for the explanation about the TBrowser and the TTreeViewer.

[quote]The fact that fRun is not updated correctly is indeed an over-sight. Could you submit a bug report in savannah so this issue tracked?

I will do this. Somehow fRun is not updated correctly only for tree->Draw. If i loop over the tree and extract the value for fRun everything is okay

