I.e. that’s the symbol you’re missing. It’s missing in libTemplate.so, see symbol lookup error: /sps/atlas/l/lguo/ATLAS_Calibration/ZeeScaleFactors/RootCoreBin/lib/x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt/libTemplate.so. That library should have been linked against the library containing TTreeFormula. The latter is a ROOT class; checking https://root.cern.ch/root/html604/TTreeFormula.html (the documentation page for that class for your ROOT version) tells us that it’s in libTreePlayer. You can check with ldd which libraries are linked against a library: ldd /sps/atlas/l/lguo/ATLAS_Calibration/ZeeScaleFactors/RootCoreBin/lib/x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt/libTemplate.soshould list libTreePlayer but I bet it doesn’t.
That’s what needs to be fixed. You can work around that by loading libTreePlayer yourself. “Your” cxx file is run how? Through ROOT’s prompt? Then R__LOAD_LIBRARY should have helped! If it’s a binary / library then you might get a workaround by linking that against libTreePlayer - might because many linkers realize these days that your binary doesn’t actually need libTreePlayer and will drop the dependency.