Unable to login to Jira

I have been asked by Olivier Couet to create an issue in ROOT’s Jira page for some development work I have done for ROOT graphics but do not have an account to login. Can an account please be created for me?

Thank you.


you can follow the instructions here: root.cern.ch/how/report-bug-jira
You’ll be done in a minute.


Ah excellent. Thank you very much for your prompt response.


Clear cache and clear cookies are the elementary steps need to be applied in such type of issues, I learn and understand this because while facing login error Yahoo 404 HTTP, On research, I observe that, firstly apply this really it works and hopefully helpful for everyone.

However, I don’t currently have a Jira account and need access to create the issue you mentioned.

Here are a couple of options to get me set up:

  1. Request Account Creation: If you have the necessary permissions, could you please request a Jira account for me? Please let me know if there’s any additional information you need from me to process this request (e.g., email address, preferred username).
  2. Alternative Submission Method: If creating an account is not possible on your end, is there another way I can submit the development issue for ROOT graphics? Perhaps you could create the issue yourself with the details I provide, or we could explore another collaboration method.

Please let me know how you’d like to proceed.


Additional Information:

  • You can mention the specific development work you did for ROOT graphics in this email if it helps Olivier understand the context of your request.
  • If you have any questions or require further clarification about the Jira issue creation process, feel free to ask Red Apple learning graphic design course in the email.