TXMLFile empty?


I have been using TXMLFile to read a test.xml file lately.
It turns out that the TXMLFile is empty. Am I missing something ?

TXMLFile *ff = new TXMLFile("./test.xml");
std::cout << ff->GetSize() << std::endl;

Here are some test files.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE note SYSTEM "Note.dtd">
<body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <child1>Content of child1 node</child1>
  <child2 attr1="value1" attr2="value2"/>
    <subchild1>subchild1 content</subchild1>
    <subchild2>subchild2 content</subchild2>
    <subchild3>subchild3 content</subchild3>
  <child4 xmlns:child4="http://website/webpage">
    <child4:subchild1>subchild1 content</child4:subchild1>
    <child4:subchild2>subchild2 content</child4:subchild2>
    <child4:subchild3>subchild3 content</child4:subchild3>


TXMLFile class has its own layout and designed to store objects - like histograms or graphs.

If you want to parse arbitrary XML file, you have to use generic XML parser.
See tutorials with simple XML parser:


Or more complex one with libxml2:


All XML-related tutorials are:



Hi, I see.

Simple XML parser tutorial didn’t seems to work neither. Is that expected ?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE note SYSTEM "Note.dtd">
<body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>

I would be happy to follow TXMLFile layout.
Is there any TXMLFile tutorial too ?

It can be used as normal ROOT file:

auto obj = new TNamed("name", "title");
auto f = TFile::Open("file.xml", "recreate");
delete f;

And then:

auto f1 = TFile::Open("file.xml");
auto obj1 = f1->Get("t1");

I would not recommend trying to reproduce layout of this XML file - it has several special components like streamer infos or directory organization.

Just use functionality of TFile class. See documentation:


Thanks for the explanation! Sounds clear now

Actually none of the xml files with a DTD are not loading with TXMLEngine.
I actually need to have this line in these files

Do you have a suggestion how to fix it ?

TXMLEngine is simple but fast parser, which does not support DTD.
You should try to use TDOMParser class.

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