TTree:Scan sometimes broken in ROOT 5.34

Running the following macro returns “x = 0” for all entries (note: the ntuple on file is o.k., just the “n->Scan();” breaks): { TFile *f = TFile::Open("trial.root", "RECREATE"); TNtuple *n = new TNtuple("n", "n", "x"); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) n->Fill(-i); Double_t xmin = 0, xmax = 0; xmin = n->GetMinimum("x"); // after "f->Write();", breaks "n->Scan();" below //xmax = n->GetMaximum("x"); // ... ditto ... std::cout << xmin << " ... " << xmax << std::endl; f->Write(); // breaks "n->Scan();" below if "xmin" or "xmax" were calculated n->Scan(); }

Hi Wile,

This problem had been solved in v6. I have now pushed the same fix onto v5.34.
