TTree Draw multiple Iteration$


I have question about looping within TTree::Draw.
Say I have two TClonesArrays and I want to loop over both of them with an iterator. Is there a way i can do this and still have access to each iterator?
If I do


what will be the resulting iteration? Is there only one Iteration$ variable or are there two and it knows which array I am indexing?

Thanks in advance.

Whitney Armstrong

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In reviewing

I suppose my question is, can I use and refer to two different iteration variables somehow in Draw?

[quote]I suppose my question is, can I use and refer to two different iteration variables somehow in Draw?[/quote]No. This is not possible, TTreeFormula can only do one loop within an entry and Iteration$ is a reflection of where it is in the loop (and is not a way to control the iteration through the loop)
