TTree : an array of variable length branch : SIZE TYPE


If I create a TTree branch with an array of variable length like this (User’s Guide):

TFile *f = new TFile("peter.root","recreate");
Int_t nPhot;
Float_t E[500];
TTree* nEmcPhotons = new TTree("nEmcPhotons","EMC Photons");

Does “nPhot” have to be of Int_t type?
In all the examples I could find it is Int_t but I am not sure if it is required.

Thank you!!!


Yes, if nPhot is used as an array counter in some other branches,
it must be of type integer.


Dear Rene,

It looks like I did not explain the question well enough.
The question really was if nPhot can be any of the following types:

Char_t UChar_t Short_t UShort_t Int_t UInt_t Long64_t ULong64_t

or it can be only of the type Int_t ?


It must be Int_t


Dear Rene,

Thank you!!!

So far in almost all my code I was using UInt_t for this purpose, i.e.

UInt_t nPhot; nEmcPhotons->Branch("nPhot",&nPhot,"nPhot/i");

(the nPhot branch has 'i" type too - not “I”).

Does it mean that I should be worried that all those results could be incorrect?
