Hi all,
I am trying to read a sub-branch from a TTree (called MGTree).
When I do a print of the TTree, like so:
I see the following:
fWaveforms.fData : std::vector<double> fData[fWaveforms_]
This seems to indicate to me that the sub-branch fData should be read into an array of vectors.
Here are some of the things I have tried. I discovered on my own that the structure of the tree requires that I type MGTree->SetMakeClass(1) in order to read in any of the branches/sub-branches due to something called event splitting, so this is always a part of the code. I include the first line to be safe, but it actually seems to work without it, so the newest version of ROOT must include vectors.
gRoot->ProcessLine("#include <vector>");
TFile f("OR_run150.root");
vector<double> fDataArr[9000];
TBranch *fDataBranch = MGTree->GetBranch("fWaveforms.fData");
This unfortunately segfaults.
I am basing my code off of this discussion thread and the example that it references in the TTree tutorial, which seemed to address a similar problem.
I also tried making 'fDataArr" into a pointer rather than an array. It seems one common reason for the segfault is to not initialize the pointer to zero, so I have tried the following.
gRoot->ProcessLine("#include <vector>");
TFile f("OR_run150.root");
vector<double>* fDataArr=0;
TBranch *fDataBranch = MGTree->GetBranch("fWaveforms.fData");
Nevertheless, this also segfaults.
In addition to the above, I have tried not initializing fDataArr to zero. I have also tried setting it using the new operator. None of these seemed to work.
I then noticed that if I typed ‘MGTree->Show(0)’, I see the following:
fWaveforms.fData = (vector<double>*)0x7ffa4db1f168
This to me seems to indicate that perhaps fWaveforms.fData should be read into an array of pointers to vectors. I then tried to modify my code to try that:
First I tried this:
gRoot->ProcessLine("#include <vector>");
TFile f("OR_run150.root");
vector<double>** fDataArr=0;
TBranch *fDataBranch = MGTree->GetBranch("fWaveforms.fData");
Then I tried:
gRoot->ProcessLine("#include <vector>");
TFile f("OR_run150.root");
vector<double>* fDataArr[9000];
TBranch *fDataBranch = MGTree->GetBranch("fWaveforms.fData");
Reading through the documentation, it seems that the biggest causes for segfaults if you aren’t careful are 1) not initializing a vector 2) Not using SetMakeClass when appropriate. I feel that I’ve been fairly thorough with this and I still cannot see what the issue is. Perhaps my understanding of the data type which is stored in the TTree is incorrect. I should mention that I also tried
for all of the examples above as well.
If anyone has any suggestions, it would be much appreciated. I am using ROOT version 6, but have also tried all of the above using ROOT version 5-34 with the same results.
Thank you,
Chelsea Bartram