Troubles reading vector of pairs

ROOT Version: 6.28/08
Platform: LCG_104b
Compiler: x86_64-el9-gcc13-opt

I have troubles reading a branch of type std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, uint8_t>>. ROOT properly detects it as vector<pair<unsigned char, unsigned char>>. I can also read the content with TBrowser and JSROOT.

The issue happens when I try to read the branch in C++. I have dictionaries generated and SetBranchAddress returns 0 which means all is OK on paper. The symptoms are that all pair values are 0.

This used to work in the past, then for a while I did not need this branch and now that I do, it is not correct. Note that the input file is produced with ROOT 6.20/06 built with GCC8.

Hi Tadej,

Thanks for the post. I am sorry to read you are experiencing this issue.
Would you be so kind to share the file so that we can reproduce the issue?


Hi Danilo, I shared the following file with you (not public as it is in principle ATLAS-internal data): /eos/user/t/tadej/shared/ROOT/user.jedebevc.601352.PhPy8EG_tW_dyn_DR_incl_antitop.e8547_e8455_s3889_r9364_r9315_p5313.39485021._000002.tree.root. Let me know if you have troubles accessing it.

You can check the branch trigMatchedPairs_HLT_2e17_lhvloose_nod0.