Trouble defining colors for histogramm filling


I have defined a new set of colors in a palette. I have succeeded to use this palette for 2D histogram with colz option however I can’t use these new colors for 1D histogram … what am I missing ? The code is attached to this message …


palettevb.c (1.35 KB)
palettevb.c (1.35 KB)

see modified file below and look at comment where I replaced a call
to Draw by DrawCopy

palettevb.c (1.41 KB)

Hi is it working after adding gPad->Update () after ghist->Draw ()?

No, this is a wrong solution. If you resize the canvas, you will
see the problem again. Use my modified macro.


thank you very much, I should have think of it but the histo color was my defaut so I thought it was not working at alll.
