Trobule of import ROOT in python

ROOT Version: 6.30/08

I am using UBUNTU and want to using PyROOT. It seems that I already sucessfully install ROOT,
because when I use the command


in terminal, I get

However, when I try to import it in python by vscode, I get the result:

I also try to import root in python by terminal, and it works:

I also check the vscode json:

It seems that I already let the default interpreter is python3.10 (my python3.10 version is 3.10.12)

What can I do to let me import pyroot in vscode?

Best wishes

ROOT Version: 6.30/08

Maybe this post helps:

But it seems that I already use python 3.10.12 to run:

In this figure, I show the path of the file, which says that it use python3.10.
I check the version of python3.10 is:

And I also select the python version in vscode as 3.10.12:


I think what I need is python 3.10.12, because:

Thus I an confused what I did wrong now.


try to print you PYTHONPATH environment variable from inside VSCode. I suspect that it doesn’t contain the path to your ROOT installation, and so it won’t be able to find ROOT.
The script sets, among other environment variables, the PYTHONPATH, so the python interpreter finds root. The post linked above should help sourcing the script.
Alternatively, source the script on a terminal outside of VSCode, work out what the correct PYTHONPATH for finding ROOT is, and try to teach VSCode this path. I didn’t check it, but I’m pretty sure that you can append to the PYTHONPATH VSCode uses when it starts up the interpreter.

It seems that I didn’t have PYTHONPATH.

For this solution, should I create a .sh file, contain

    "terminal.integrated.copyOnSelection": true,
    "terminal.integrated.shellArgs.linux": [

Then use



I am not very sure that whether I really understand the solution

I also don’t understand what is “teach the VScode” mean?
Should I add the location of my python3.10.12 to the python path envirement variable?

That could be a valid solution. Alternatively, set it directly in VSCode. This blog seems to explain how to do that:

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