Tree in c++ program, segmentation violation


I put a tree in my c++ program and use it to store myclass data. I can build my program. But when I run it, I got the following error message:

I don’t understand the message. One of my guess is my program use a class which implements its own threads. Root tree may have its own thread implementation. Do they have conflicts? I may be totally wrong about this. Thank you very much for your helps.



IMHO Before you start guess-work, you’d better:
1)write the smallest C++ code which is similar to yours and can reproduce your problem and
2) show this code here.

I see your points. My program is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <OTClient.h>
#include “TTree.h”
#include “TFile.h”
#include “TBranch.h”
#include “OTHistData.h”

class MyClient : public OTClient
int i,i1;

int id;
int id1;
int id2;
TTree *tree;
TFile f;
int counter;

MyClient ()
  i = i1 = 0;
  f = new TFile("/home/gma/c++program/test.root","RECREATE");
  tree = new TTree("T","Test of tree");
  h = new OTHistData();
  tree->Branch("histdata","Transaction", &h,3200,99);
  counter =0;


virtual ~MyClient ()
 delete tree; 
 delete f;
 delete h;


void onLogin () 
  printf ("login ok\n");
 //requestListExchanges ();

 // id = requestTickStream (&OTDataEntity ("Q", "CSCO"));
  struct tm begDate = { 0, 0, 9, 15, 11, 104 };
  struct tm endDate = { 0, 0, 9, 25, 11, 104 };
  requestHistData (&OTDataEntity ("Q", "MSFT"),

void onError (OTError * error) 
  printf ("-----> Error id=%d, code=%d, error=%s\n", 
  error->getRequestId(), error->getCode(), error->getDescription());      

void onHistTrade (OTTrade *trade)

  h->price = trade->getPrice();
  h->volume = trade->getVolume();
  h->timestamp = trade->getTimestamp();

  printf ("HistTrade: id = %d, timestamp = %d, price = %f, size = %d, volume = %lld ",
           trade->getRequestId(), trade->getTimestamp(), trade->getPrice(), trade->getSize(), trade->getVolume()
  printf ("sequenceNumber = %d, indicator = %c, tickIndicator = %c, isOpen = %d, isHigh = %d, isLow = %d, isClose = %d, isUpdateLast = %d \
          isUpdateVolume = %d, isCancel = %d, isFromBook = %d \n", trade->getSequenceNumber(), trade->getIndicator(), trade->getTickIndicator(),
          trade->isOpen(), trade->isHigh(), trade->isLow(), trade->isClose(), 
          trade->isUpdateLast(), trade->isUpdateVolume(), trade->isCancel(), trade->isFromBook()


int main()
MyClient *client = new MyClient();

client->addHost (“”, 10010);

char login[255] = “”;
char passw[255] = “”;

printf (“Please, enter your login: “);
scanf (”%254s”, login);

printf (“Please, enter your password: “);
scanf (”%254s”, passw);

printf (“trying to log in…\n”);
client->login (login, passw);


delete client;
return 0;


Attached please find the necessary header and library files which are needed to compile the problem. Thank you for your helps.


gma[/code] (1.08 MB)

Please provide the shortest possible (but running) version of your code,
removing all the unnecessary stuff. We cannot use your shared libs.


Thank for your reply. I will try to get the minimized code. However, the class I am using is developed by the vendor, which is a trunk of large code. It is not easy for me to break it up.

Anyhow, I hope the following detailed debug information can help you give me some clue where I cam wrong.

The problem I found came from the class constructor, Myclient(). In particular,

h = new OTHistData();
tree->Branch("histdata", "histdata", &h, 3200,99);

for h, the value is 0X747640. The problem is from tree-:Branch statement. Basically, the debugger took me to the template function of TBrance * Branch() in TTree.h. After I executed the function of BranchImp, it gives me the error message of

Thank you very much for your helps.



btw, another piece of information is that I am using root 5.17.04. Thanks.


You must create a dictionary for your class OTHistData (or/and any class that will be
stored in the Tree.
You must replace the line in your MyClient class

tree->Branch("histdata","Transaction", &h,3200,99); by

tree->Branch("histdata","OTHistData", &h,3200,99); or

tree->Branch("histdata", &h,3200,99);
To create a dictionary, use rootcint on all your header files in the Tree.
see examplse in $ROOTSYS/test/Makefile


Thank for your helps. Your answer solved my problem. Now the program is running. The new problem is that I cann’t read the created root file.

When I do the following

TFile* f = new TFile("test.root")

ROOT basically was frozen. I checked the size of the created root file, It is unusually large, about 500M.

I began to suspect my way of using the tree. From my code, in the method onHistTrade (OTTrade *trade), you may find the following codes:

// Tree as a sink

 h->price = trade->getPrice();
      h->volume = trade->getVolume();
      h->timestamp = trade->getTimestamp();

     // stdout as the sink
      printf ("HistTrade: id = %d, timestamp = %d, price = %f, size = %d, volume = %lld ",
               trade->getRequestId(), trade->getTimestamp(), trade->getPrice(), trade->getSize(), trade->getVolume()

What I intend to do is to use tree as a sink instead of stdout. You can see that I capture the data, put them into the tree and write to the file. I am not sure whether this is the right way to use the tree in my case. Thank you very much if you can clarify this.

