tree->Fill() problem

I have installed root 4.04.02f, and now when I recompile and run some code I get:

Error in TTree::Fill: Failed filling branch:event.p, nbytes=-1
Error in TTree::Fill: Failed filling branch:event.p, nbytes=-1
Error in TTree::Fill: Failed filling branch:event.p, nbytes=-1
Error in TTree::Fill: Failed filling branch:event.Vertz, nbytes=-1
Error in TTree::Fill: Failed filling branch:event.Vertd, nbytes=-1
Error in TTree::Fill: Failed filling branch:event.E, nbytes=-1
Error in TTree::Fill: Failed filling branch:event.P, nbytes=-1
Error in TTree::Fill: Failed filling branch:event.p, nbytes=-1
Error in TTree::Fill: Failed filling branch:event.Charge, nbytes=-1

When previously, with version 4.03.02, I got no such errors. The pertinent piece of code is in a source file main.cpp, and is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "test_file.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "do_kinematics.h"
#include "slow_cuts.h"
#include "track_cuts.h"
#include "check_method.h"
#include "get_lumi.h"

void init_bb(int ibb[][33]);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  Int_t nevent; 
  int i,j;
  char filename[100];
  char outfilename[100]="rho_kin.root";
  TRACK track;
  SLOW slow;
  EVENT event;
  //int igbb[5][33]; // i.e. for year [0..4] and bad bit [0..32]
  int ignore_bb[5][33];
  int passed_slow = 0, failed_slow = 0;
  int passed_track = 0, failed_track = 0;
  int bb_count[33];
  float int_abs_lumi = 0; // integrated absolute lumi == int lumi*coeff*target const

    bb_count[i] = 0;

  if(argc > 2 && argv[2] != NULL)
    strcpy(outfilename, argv[2]);
  test_file(argv[1], filename);

  TFile *f = new TFile(filename); // input root file
  TTree *h1 = (TTree*)f->Get("h1");
  TTree *out = new TTree("event", "DIS events");    

  nevent = h1->GetEntries();

  h1->SetBranchAddress("Vertz", track.VertZ);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("Vertd", track.VertD);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("Theta", track.Theta);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("Phi", track.Phi);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("E", track.E);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("P", track.P);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("Px", track.Px);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("Py", track.Py);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("Pz", track.Pz);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("Type", track.Type);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("rxoff", track.rxoff);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("ryoff", track.ryoff);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("rxpos", track.rxpos);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("rypos", track.rypos);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("rxslope", track.rxslope);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("ryslope", track.ryslope);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("Charge", track.Charge);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("Method", track.Method);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("year", &slow.year);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("ebeam", &slow.ebeam);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("Gastype", &slow.GasType);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("Burstnum", &slow.BurstNum);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("Burstlen", &slow.BurstLen);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("Evnum", &event.Evnum);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("Lumi", &slow.Lumi);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("rbpol", &slow.rbPol);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("rbpolfit", &slow.rbPolFit);
  h1->SetBranchAddress("rbpolerr", &slow.rbPolErr);

  out->Branch("Vertz", track.VertZ, "Vertz[3]/F");
  out->Branch("Vertd", track.VertD, "Vertd[3]/F");
  out->Branch("Theta", track.Theta, "Theta/F");
  out->Branch("Phi", track.Phi, "Phi/F");
  out->Branch("year", &slow.year, "year/I");
  out->Branch("ebeam", &slow.ebeam, "ebeam/F");
  out->Branch("E", track.E, "E[3]/F");
  out->Branch("P", track.P, "P[3]/F");
  out->Branch("p", track.p, "p[3][4]/F");
  out->Branch("Charge", track.Charge, "Charge[3]/I");
  out->Branch("Gastype", &slow.GasType, "Gastype/I");
  out->Branch("Beampol", &slow.rbPol, "Beampol/F");
  out->Branch("Beampolfit", &slow.rbPolFit, "Beampolfit/F");
  out->Branch("Beampolerr", &slow.rbPolErr, "Beampolerr/F");

  out->Branch("Mv", &event.Mv, "Mv/F");
  out->Branch("DE", &event.DE, "DE/F");
  out->Branch("tp", &, "tp/F");
  out->Branch("bjx", &event.bjx, "bjx/F");
  out->Branch("Q2", &event.Q2, "Q2/F");
  out->Branch("W", &event.W, "W/F");
  out->Branch("nu", &, "nu/F");
  out->Branch("Mx2", &event.Mx2, "Mx2/F");
  out->Branch("Mx", &event.Mx, "Mx/F");
  out->Branch("t", &event.t, "t/F");
  out->Branch("t0", &event.t0, "t0/F");
  out->Branch("PdotP", &event.PdotP, "PdotP/F");
  out->Branch("bjy", &event.bjy, "bjy/F");
  out->Branch("Mkk", &event.Mkk, "Mkk/F");
  out->Branch("y", &event.y, "y/F");


	  track.p[j][0] = track.E[j];
	  track.p[j][1] = track.Px[j];
	  track.p[j][2] = track.Py[j];
	  track.p[j][3] = track.Pz[j];
      if(track_cuts_satisfied(track)) // track level (fiducial) cuts
	  if(slow_cuts_satisfied(slow, ignore_bb, bb_count) && check_method(track)) // slow control cuts
	      do_ev_level_kinematics(track, slow, &event);
	      int_abs_lumi += get_lumi_burst(slow, event); // get abs lumi for this burst (will return zero for non-first event in burst)


  TFile outf(outfilename, "RECREATE"); //output root file
    printf("bb_count[%d]: Number of events with bit %d bad: %d\n", i, i, bb_count[i]);
  printf("Track cuts: events passed %d, events failed %d\n", passed_track, failed_track);  
  printf("Slow cuts: events passed %d, events failed %d\n", passed_slow, failed_slow);
  printf("Total events = %d\n", nevent);
  printf("integrated absolute luminosity = %f\n", int_abs_lumi);

  return 0;

The code reads an existing root file with the tree “h1”, makes some kinematical calulations and applies cuts, then creates a new root file containing the tree “event”. I can’t see how what I did differs from the TTree example ( … t.cxx.html). Anyone have any ideas? I read somewhere that the nbytes = -1 indicated that the output file was opened read-only, but if I comment out the three lines:

TFile outf(outfilename, "RECREATE"); //output root file

The error persists, desipte no I/O taking place (at least, not for the output file).

Additionally, I found compiling version 4.03.02 problematic in that I had to add the line:

#include <errno.h>

below the other includes in krb5auth/src/TKSocket.cxx, otherwise the compiler would complain that in line 131, errno and ECONNABORTED were undefined. Anyone else experienced this?


TFile *f = new TFile(filename); // input root file TTree *h1 = (TTree*)f->Get("h1"); TTree *out = new TTree("event", "DIS events"); ... TFile outf(outfilename, "RECREATE"); //output root file A TTree is associate by default to the current file. In your case the out tree is associate with the input (read-only) file. Do:

TFile *f = new TFile(filename); // input root file TTree *h1 = (TTree*)f->Get("h1"); TFile outf(outfilename, "RECREATE"); //output root file TTree *out = new TTree("event", "DIS events"); ...


Hi Philippe,

It works OK now, thanks for your help.