TRatioPlot interference

Dear Couet,

  • Thank you it works fine.
  • I still want to plot several ratio plots on the lower pad. I saw a suggestion here (1) but it did not work, so I just use something like (2) but it seems to plot the entire frame each time instead of just the curve only, see (3). The complete code is here (4). Do you see what is wrong?


auto ratio_noniso = new TRatioPlot(hist_prompt, hist_fake_noniso);
auto ratio_hadron = new TRatioPlot(hist_prompt, hist_fake_hadron);
auto ratio_other = new TRatioPlot(hist_prompt, hist_fake_other);
ratio_noniso → SetH2DrawOpt(“hist”);
ratio_noniso → Draw();
ratio_noniso → GetLowerPad()->cd();
ratio_hadron → Draw(“same”);
ratio_other → Draw(“same”);

