I too am trying to run the pythia8.C macro. I installed ROOT before I installed PYTHIA8 on my computer. Should I uninstall and rebuild ROOT?
I have followed all the instructions given in various forums but the macro just does not run. keeps giving me the same error every time.
root/tutorials/pythia/pythia8.C:18:10: fatal error: ‘TPythia8.h’ file not found #include “TPythia8.h”
(And @taherburhani I moved your post to a new topic: please don’t respond to old, inactive topics but create a new one. This makes it easier for us to track what we are talking about here.)
@Wile_E_Coyote thank you. I will try building it from scratch. But i am afraid that I might mess up my computer. Also, the command does return me --unknown feature.