Toy MC Simultaneous Fit to Two Independent sWeighted Datasets

Hi guys,

I am a relative beginner to Roofit and am currently trying to write a simple Toy MC that performs a simultaneous fit to two independent sWeighted data samples in order to extract the decay time (and inverse decay time). Both these samples contain a fitted crystal ball signal peak and then a fitted exponential function with a realistic acceptance tail as the combinatorial background. These two samples would loosely correspond to bins of a multivariate classifier, so the two samples are generated to have the same proportion of signal events but differing amounts of combinatorial background (i.e low BDT bin and high BDT bin). I have been following the simultaneous fit tutorial steps in order to implement this, but I am finding that my simultaneous fit is underestimating the value of the decay time considerably (the pull distribution is centered on -12). I am fitting the same RooAccExponential PDF to both samples. I was just wondering whether I have implemented the simultaneous fit properly, and if not am I doing something wrong or is there some other issue that means the fit is not performing well? I have included the section of my code that implements the simultaneous fit here

    // Simultaneous fit for the lifetime

      // Create observables

      RooRealVar    Bs2mumu_lifetime   ("Bs2mumu_lifetime"   , "Bs2mumu_lifetime"   , Bs_Lifetime, -10.0, 10.0, "ps");
      RooFormulaVar Bs2mumu_invLifetime("Bs2mumu_invLifetime", "Bs2mumu_invLifetime", "-1/@0", RooArgList(Bs2mumu_lifetime));

      // Construct low BDT pdf

      RooExponential Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_Exp_LowBDT("Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_Exp_LowBDT","Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_Exp_LowBDT", *B_s0_TAU,  Bs2mumu_invLifetime);
      RooAccExponential Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_AccExp_LowBDT ("Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_AccExp_LowBDT", "Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_AccExp_LowBDT", *B_s0_TAU, RooConst(t0_acc_val), RooConst(a_acc_val), RooConst(n_acc_val), 

      RooAbsPdf* Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_PDF_LowBDT = &Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_AccExp_LowBDT;
      if(Acceptance == "Flat")
          Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_PDF_LowBDT = &Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_Exp_LowBDT;

      // Construct high BDT pdf
      RooExponential Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_Exp_HighBDT("Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_Exp_HighBDT","Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_Exp_HighBDT", *B_s0_TAU, Bs2mumu_invLifetime); 
      RooAccExponential Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_AccExp_HighBDT ("Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_AccExp_HighBDT", "Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_AccExp_HighBDT", *B_s0_TAU, RooConst(t0_acc_val), RooConst(a_acc_val), RooConst(n_acc_val), 

      RooAbsPdf* Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_PDF_HighBDT = &Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_AccExp_HighBDT;
      if(Acceptance == "Flat")
          Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_PDF_HighBDT = &Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_Exp_HighBDT;

      // Define category to distinguish lowBDT and highBDT samples 

      RooCategory BDTCat("BDTCat","BDTCat");
      // Construct a combined dataset in (B_s0_TAU, BDTCat)

      RooDataSet combData("combData", "combined data", *B_s0_TAU , Index(BDTCat), Import("lowBDT", wDataLowBDT), Import("highBDT", wDataHighBDT));
      // Construct a simultaneous pdf using BDTCat as an index
      RooSimultaneous simPDF1("simPDF1", "simultaneous pdf", BDTCat);
      simPDF1.addPdf(*Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_PDF_LowBDT, "lowBDT");
      simPDF1.addPdf(*Bs2mumu_Time_Lifetime_PDF_HighBDT, "highBDT");

    // Simultaneous fit for the inverse lifetime

      // Create observables

      RooRealVar    Bs2mumu_gamma   ("Bs2mumu_gamma"   , "Bs2mumu_gamma"   , 1.0/Bs_Lifetime, -10.0, 10.0, "ps");
      RooFormulaVar Bs2mumu_negGamma("Bs2mumu_negGamma", "Bs2mumu_negGamma", "-1.0*@0", RooArgList(Bs2mumu_gamma));

      // Construct low BDT pdf

      RooExponential Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_Exp_LowBDT("Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_Exp_LowBDT", "Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_Exp_LowBDT", *B_s0_TAU, Bs2mumu_negGamma);
      RooAccExponential Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_AccExp_LowBDT ("Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_Exp_LowBDT", "Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_Exp_LowBDT",  *B_s0_TAU, RooConst(t0_acc_val), RooConst(a_acc_val), RooConst(n_acc_val), Bs2mumu_negGamma);

      RooAbsPdf* Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_PDF_LowBDT = &Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_AccExp_LowBDT;
      if(Acceptance == "Flat")
          Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_PDF_LowBDT = &Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_Exp_LowBDT;

      // Construct high BDT pdf
      RooExponential Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_Exp_HighBDT("Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_Exp_HighBDT", "Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_Exp_HighBDT", *B_s0_TAU, Bs2mumu_negGamma);
      RooAccExponential Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_AccExp_HighBDT ("Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_AccExp_HighBDT", "Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_AccExp_HighBDT", *B_s0_TAU,  RooConst(t0_acc_val), RooConst(a_acc_val), RooConst(n_acc_val), Bs2mumu_negGamma);

      RooAbsPdf* Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_PDF_HighBDT = &Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_AccExp_HighBDT;
      if(Acceptance == "Flat")
          Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_PDF_HighBDT = &Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_Exp_HighBDT;

      // Construct a simultaneous pdf using BDTCat as an index
      RooSimultaneous simPDF2("simPDF2", "simultaneous pdf", BDTCat);
      simPDF2.addPdf(*Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_PDF_LowBDT, "lowBDT");
      simPDF2.addPdf(*Bs2mumu_Time_Gamma_PDF_HighBDT, "highBDT");
      // Perform a simultaneous fit of both exponential functions to their respective data sets

      if(t > 0) {
      simPDF1.fitTo(combData, Minos(kTRUE) ,Verbose(kFALSE), PrintLevel(-1), PrintEvalErrors(-1));
      simPDF2.fitTo(combData, Minos(kTRUE) , Verbose(kFALSE), PrintLevel(-1), PrintEvalErrors(-1));

      if(t == 0) {
      simPDF1.fitTo(combData, Minos(kTRUE));
      simPDF2.fitTo(combData, Minos(kTRUE));

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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