To enable-qt or to not enable-qt

The flags one is required to set in order to build root with qt support appear to be in controversy. Can someone elucidate. Valeri Fine indicates one must never use the --enable-qt flag. However, that very flag appears in a script for installing fullqtroot which is offered for download on the BNL qtroot site. I am wondering whether anyone can provide step by step instructions for the proper way to install qt-root and most particularly on macos.

I have attached the controversial script. The offending line appears to be line 684 colum 6.

I am hoping to try to bring forward a more unified and bug-free experience for those who desire to run qt with root.

Thanks in advance.


Mmm :open_mouth: I think at this point one needs to provide some sort of link to the source.
If my mind keeps serving me well I did not say #-o anything like this ever.

I did advice to not [-X mix two different versions within :bulb: one’s environment unless there is the very bold reason to do so. I think it is a good advice.

[quote=“jon2718”] . . .
I have attached the controversial script. The offending line appears to be line 684 colum 6.
. . . [/quote] One does not need to attatch. It is enough to provide the direct link to the source:
I do not see any :unamused: controversy there. Script is script.
It works as it is written, I do not see anything wrong with the " line 684 colum 6"
Of course, there is no bug free software. This script may have some problem.
At this point if you found and fixed the bug , please send me your patch. It will be appreciated

[quote=“jon2718”] . . .I am hoping to try to bring forward a more unified and bug-free experience for those who desire to run qt with root. . . . [/quote]You are welcome. Please, send me your corrections.