TNetXNGFile "[3010] Unable to give access error" on puppet managed desktop inside CERN

Dear experts,

I got an error when I try to access a tier0 file with root on a puppet managed desktop that’s located inside CERN, detailed in the attachment. It turns out I can read the content of the file, so I believe the TNetXNGFile attempt have failed and it falls back to xrootd, as I found a similar problem was raised here and resulted in library missing causing problems reading files from eos (#46) · Issues · atlas / StatAnalysis · GitLab. Interesting thing is that I cannot reproduce this error on lxplus. Both lxplus and my desktop return the same kerberos token info with klist.

It is annoying because the TChain::Add function considers the file failed to open and exit without opening them. I can circumvent this by lsetup emi and voms-proxy-init.

It only started today. But it’s a bit puzzling why this happens for my desktop. Maybe there is a server side change? Are there recommendations of how I can update the setup of my computer to address this better?


root -l /eos/atlas/atlastier0/rucio/data24_13p6TeV/express_express/00479598/data24_13p6TeV.00479598.express_express.merge.NTUP_MUTEST.x849_c1404_m2220/data24_13p6TeV.00479598.express_express.merge.NTUP_MUTEST.x849_c1404_m2220._0001.1
root [0]
Attaching file /eos/atlas/atlastier0/rucio/data24_13p6TeV/express_express/00479598/data24_13p6TeV.00479598.express_express.merge.NTUP_MUTEST.x849_c1404_m2220/data24_13p6TeV.00479598.express_express.merge.NTUP_MUTEST.x849_c1404_m2220._0001.1 as _file0…
Error in TNetXNGFile::Open: [ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3010] Unable to give access - user access restricted - unauthorized identity used ; Permission denied

Thanks for reporting this issue. Maybe @pcanal or @amadio can help you on this problem.
