TMCProcess ID kPMuonNuclear meaning

Dear Root community,

I am running a MC simulation which includes many muons and wish to find out which have interacted through DIS. I found the TMCProcess class which documents the ProcessID:
ROOT: montecarlo/vmc/inc/TMCProcess.h File Reference

Among those is the kPMuonNuclear = 25 ID. It is however a bit unclear what “muon nuclear interaction” includes. It is just weak interaction of the muon? Does it cover all muon DIS interactions or are there other interactions covered by those process IDs (such as kPPhotonInhelastic = 24 perhaps more?).


ROOT Version: 6.28/04
Platform: Alma Linux 9
Compiler: Not Provided


Thanks for the interesting post. Do you have the possibility to check how your simulation handled the deep inelastic scattering interactions?
In the meantime, we’ll look into this even if ROOT seems really the last step of the chain.


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