Hello Rooters!
Hmmm, I’m not sure in category, sorry if I chose the wrong one.
Can you help me please with some statistical stuff:
I would like to get some stats units from my histogram (TH1D), but I noticed a strange thing:
0.5 quantile not equal to median. But it should be!?
So, please, tell me what wrong in my code?
root [] TH1D *his = new TH1D("his", "his", 100, -4,4);
root [] his->FillRandom("gaus")
root [] TMath::Median(his->GetSize(), his->GetArray())
(double) 22.000000
root [] Double_t x,q;
root [] q = 0.5
(double) 0.50000000
root [] his->GetQuantiles(1,&x,&q);
root [] x
(double) 0.0023357664
_ROOT Version:_6.15
Platform: ubuntu 18.04
Compiler: gcc 7.3.0