The “bigaus
” is actually based on the “ROOT::Math::bigaussian_pdf
” function (you can use the “rho
”, “sigmax
” and “sigmay
” parameters to calculate the principal axes, which are defined by the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix, and the semidiameters, which are the square-roots of its eigenvalues):
// ... create the function ...
TF2 *f = new TF2("f", "[0] * ROOT::Math::bigaussian_pdf(x, y, [2], [4], [5], [1], [3])", -10., 10., -10., 10.);
f->SetParNames("constant", "x0", "sigmax", "y0", "sigmay", "rho"); // note: -1 < rho < 1
// f->Print();
f->SetParameters(1000., 3., 2., 1., 3., -0.75); // "test" parameters' values
// ... draw the function ...
TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c", "c");
f->SetNpx(100); f->SetNpy(100);
gPad->SetGrid(1, 1);
c->SetRealAspectRatio(1); // (1) or (2)
// ... create the covariance matrix ...
Double_t sigmax = f->GetParameter(2);
Double_t sigmay = f->GetParameter(4);
Double_t rho = f->GetParameter(5);
TMatrixDSym covMatrix(2);
covMatrix[0][0] = sigmax * sigmax; covMatrix[1][1] = sigmay * sigmay;
covMatrix[0][1] = covMatrix[1][0] = rho * sigmax * sigmay;
std::cout << "... covMatrix ..." << std::endl; covMatrix.Print();
std::cout << "determinant = " << covMatrix.Determinant() << std::endl << std::endl;
// ... calculate the principal axes ...
TVectorD eigenValues;
TMatrixD eigenVectors = covMatrix.EigenVectors(eigenValues);
std::cout << "... eigenValues ..." << std::endl; eigenValues.Print();
std::cout << "... eigenVectors ..." << std::endl; eigenVectors.Print();
// ... draw the principal axes ...
Double_t x0 = f->GetParameter(1);
Double_t y0 = f->GetParameter(3);
TArrow major(x0, y0,
x0 + eigenVectors[0][0] * TMath::Sqrt(eigenValues[0]),
y0 + eigenVectors[1][0] * TMath::Sqrt(eigenValues[0]),
0.015, "|->");
TArrow minor(x0, y0,
x0 + eigenVectors[0][1] * TMath::Sqrt(eigenValues[1]),
y0 + eigenVectors[1][1] * TMath::Sqrt(eigenValues[1]),
0.015, "|->");
For detailed description see:
Wikipedia → Multivariate normal distribution
Wolfram Mathworld → Bivariate Normal Distribution