The weighting potential is right, but not the weight field

The component was import from comsol, it is about two electrode with 2 cm gap,
the code from Garfield++ is like this:

fm.Initialise("Mesh.mphtxt", "dielectrics.dat", "Potential.txt", "cm");
  double wxx,wyy,wzz;
  for(int i=0;i<5;i++)cout<<"**********************************************************"<<endl;
  cout<<"weighting field=="<<"     "<<wxx<<"     "<<wyy<<"     "<<wzz<<endl;
  for(int i=0;i<5;i++)cout<<"**********************************************************"<<endl; 
  cout<<"weighting potential=="<<fm.WeightingPotential(0,0,1.5,"signal")<<endl;
  for(int i=0;i<5;i++)cout<<"**********************************************************"<<endl;
//  fm.EnableMirrorPeriodicityX();
//  fm.EnableMirrorPeriodicityY();

the key comment from file "wPotential.txt" is like this:

% Model:              Untitled.mph
% Version:            COMSOL
% Date:               May 29 2023, 10:48
% Dimension:          3
% Nodes:              209692
% Expressions:        1
% Description:        电势
% Length unit:        cm
% x                       y                        z                        V (V) 
1.191319747821612         1.349350904721154        2.5200000000000005       1
1.176234877953045         1.349041862073355        2.5500000000000007       0.9900892934114793
1.1631253566345796        1.3737282090550813       2.5200000000000005       1
1.1611500080844779        1.3487328194255563       2.5800000000000005       0.9850500777901273
1.1477913822477244        1.3731249561488506       2.5500000000000007       0.9899360030835282
1.134432756410971         1.3975170928721445       2.5200000000000005       1
1.1557649679462398        1.335173746850126        2.5200000000000005       1
1.1406800980776728        1.3348647042023272       2.5500000000000007       0.9935233578674209
1.1273214722409195        1.3592568409256212       2.5200000000000005       1
1.1202101880708677        1.3209965889790978       2.5200000000000005       1
1.0648373206384905        1.3663363628476513       2.5200000000000005       1

the related output comment is like this:

weighting field==     0     0     0
weighting potential==0.494956

the result of weighting field seems wrong, as my opinion, it should be like this:(0,0, 0.5) .
it seems something is wrong with the file “wPotential.txt” from comsol,
is there something special when producing related file using comsol?

Hi @newconcept1979 ,

Maybe @hschindl could give you a hand on this.


Sorry for the delay…
@djjansse if you have a moment could you take a look at this?

The potential and weighting potential file export from Comsol as same format, why the files were imported correctly(the potential and weighting potential can be calculated), but the weighting field can not be calculated? or the result of weighting field is wrong.

Anybody can help me?

@hschindl , @djjansse, can you give me a help?

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