The same program works well in VSCODE but break in the terminal

My ROOT program works well in VSCODE (wsl extension).
But when I run it in the terminal, it breaks

 *** Break *** segmentation violation

There was a crash.
This is the entire stack trace of all threads:
#0  0x00007f23efacfc3a in __GI___wait4 (pid=10473, stat_loc=stat_loc
entry=0x7ffd5c0001e8, options=options
entry=0, usage=usage
entry=0x0) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/wait4.c:27
#1  0x00007f23efacfbfb in __GI___waitpid (pid=<optimized out>, stat_loc=stat_loc
entry=0x7ffd5c0001e8, options=options
entry=0) at waitpid.c:38
#2  0x00007f23efa3ef67 in do_system (line=<optimized out>) at ../sysdeps/posix/system.c:172
#3  0x00007f23f00ec6de in TUnixSystem::StackTrace() () from /home/llm/software/root/lib/
#4  0x00007f23f00e9565 in TUnixSystem::DispatchSignals(ESignals) () from /home/llm/software/root/lib/
#5  <signal handler called>
#6  0x00007f23ef5309f0 in TBufferFile::ReadUInt(unsigned int&) () from /home/llm/software/root/lib/
#7  0x00007f23da065f35 in TBranchElement::ReadLeavesCustomStreamer(TBuffer&) () from /home/llm/software/root/lib/
#8  0x00007f23da05f420 in TBranch::GetEntry(long long, int) () from /home/llm/software/root/lib/
#9  0x00007f23da079ec0 in TBranchElement::GetEntry(long long, int) () from /home/llm/software/root/lib/
#10 0x00007f23da0d8197 in TTree::GetEntry(long long, int) () from /home/llm/software/root/lib/
#11 0x00007f23e9cf5c66 in ?? ()
#12 0x000055c54993f8c0 in ?? ()
#13 0x000055c549aa3100 in ?? ()
#14 0x00007f23eb7606a0 in ?? () from /home/llm/software/root/lib/
#15 0x00007f23e9cf8000 in ?? ()
#16 0x000055c54a6a2b10 in ?? ()
#17 0x00007f23ec9bfe5a in llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::resolveLocalRelocations() () from /home/llm/software/root/lib/
#18 0x000055c547d784d0 in ?? ()
#19 0x00007f23ec9bc290 in ?? () from /home/llm/software/root/lib/
#20 0x0000000000000003 in ?? ()
#21 0x000055c549744210 in ?? ()
#22 0x000055c547d5ea00 in ?? ()
#23 0x4014000000000000 in ?? ()
#24 0x408f400000000000 in ?? ()
#25 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()

The lines below might hint at the cause of the crash.
You may get help by asking at the ROOT forum
Only if you are really convinced it is a bug in ROOT then please submit a
report at Please post the ENTIRE stack trace
from above as an attachment in addition to anything else
that might help us fixing this issue.
#6  0x00007f23ef5309f0 in TBufferFile::ReadUInt(unsigned int&) () from /home/llm/software/root/lib/
#7  0x00007f23da065f35 in TBranchElement::ReadLeavesCustomStreamer(TBuffer&) () from /home/llm/software/root/lib/
#8  0x00007f23da05f420 in TBranch::GetEntry(long long, int) () from /home/llm/software/root/lib/
#9  0x00007f23da079ec0 in TBranchElement::GetEntry(long long, int) () from /home/llm/software/root/lib/
#10 0x00007f23da0d8197 in TTree::GetEntry(long long, int) () from /home/llm/software/root/lib/
#11 0x00007f23e9cf5c66 in ?? ()
#12 0x000055c54993f8c0 in ?? ()
#13 0x000055c549aa3100 in ?? ()
#14 0x00007f23eb7606a0 in ?? () from /home/llm/software/root/lib/
#15 0x00007f23e9cf8000 in ?? ()
#16 0x000055c54a6a2b10 in ?? ()
#17 0x00007f23ec9bfe5a in llvm::RuntimeDyldImpl::resolveLocalRelocations() () from /home/llm/software/root/lib/
#18 0x000055c547d784d0 in ?? ()
#19 0x00007f23ec9bc290 in ?? () from /home/llm/software/root/lib/
#20 0x0000000000000003 in ?? ()
#21 0x000055c549744210 in ?? ()
#22 0x000055c547d5ea00 in ?? ()
#23 0x4014000000000000 in ?? ()
#24 0x408f400000000000 in ?? ()
#25 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()

Root > %

Could anyone tell me what happened?

_ROOT Version: 6.26/10
_Platform: WSL2
_Compiler: linuxx8664gcc


Very hard to say what is going on from the stacktrace, besides the fact you seem to be opening a file. Could you please share a minimal reproducer of the issue?


I have uploaded a reproducer. (307.3 KB)
Run test.cpp, then test1.cpp
There are several problems:

  1. test.cpp works well in wsl terminal but breaks in VSCODE
  2. test1.cpp works well inVSCODE but breaks in wsl terminal
  3. Both of them need a piece of “meanless” code including a “cout” as I comment in the code. Otherwise, they will break.

And this is the “launch.json” of my VSCODE project

  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "name": "(gdb) Launch",
      "type": "cppdbg",
      "request": "launch",
      "program": "/home/llm/software/root/bin/root.exe",
      "args": [
      "stopAtEntry": false,
      "cwd": "${fileDirname}",
      "environment": [],
      "externalConsole": false,
      "MIMode": "gdb",
      "setupCommands": [
          "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
          "text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
          "ignoreFailures": true

and “c_cpp_properties.json”

    "configurations": [
            "name": "Linux",
            "includePath": [
            "defines": [],
            "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/clang",
            "cStandard": "c17",
            "cppStandard": "c++17",
            "intelliSenseMode": "linux-clang-x64"
    "version": 4

Best regards,

Both of them need a piece of “meanless” code including a “cout” as I comment in the code. Otherwise, they will break

This is a clear indication that the code has some serious memory errors. Using valgrind and the suppression file $ROOTSYS/etc/valgrind-root.supp usually lead to the actual problem.

The code contains:

void read_a_txt(TString filefullpath, TTree* tree)
	Int_t ev_num;
	TDatime* datime;
	Float_t temperature, rh;
	auto waves = new Float_t[8][1024]{};
	tree->SetBranchAddress("ev", &ev_num);
	tree->SetBranchAddress("datime", &datime);
	tree->SetBranchAddress("temp", &temperature);
	tree->SetBranchAddress("rh", &rh);
	tree->SetBranchAddress("waves", waves);
	delete[] waves;

At the end of the function the TTree still exist (and continue to be used) BUT also hold pointers to non-invalid (and soon to be reused for a different purpose) stack memory (all the value of expression like &ev_num and waves).

To solve the problem use the following at the end of the function:

	delete[] waves;

To solve the problem use the following at the end of the function:

	delete[] waves;

It appears that doesn’t solve the problem.
I will continue to learn how to use valgrind. Thanks for your suggestion.

It might not be sufficient but given the use of stack variable, it is necessary.

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