I’m more or less a beginner at programming and am not at all tech-savvy on these types of things, so the solution may be trivial. I have been learning a bit of ROOT in school (on ubuntu), so I have some idea of what to expect. Also sorry that the explanation became a bit messy.
First some setup:
I have been struggling the last few days getting ROOT (6.19/02) up and running, mainly because the .exe version gave the error that a (unspecified) PATH was too long.
I then tried to bypass this through installing it from source (https://root-forum.cern.ch/t/run-root-6-19-02-on-windows-10/38529/14)). Despite some struggle (I didn’t have git, something that took some time to realise it needed. Also used a totally fresh Visual Studio version 16.6.1 install), it was successfully compiled without errors. I also added the ‘\bin’ and ‘\include’ to the system variable PATH.
When opening cmd, switching to my work folder (or any other folder), I can type root and start it without any warning or errors.
What works:
Everything with a few exceptions. The object browser works just fine, so it is easy to execute the tutorials to see that most things work.
What doesn’t work:
First note that when an ‘invalid’ action happens root freezing a moment (<1s) before exiting without any warning or error message leaving you in the folder you started root from.
cout don’t seem to work at all. No matter if the thing you try to print is a number, char or string it closes root. (Note that printf seems to work as normal.)
cin mostly don’t work. It manages to accept specifically ‘char’ and ‘double’, but exit root if tried to use with integers or strings.
Other functions I found don’t work through blind testing of tutorials:
TLorentzVector from physics/PhaseSpace.C
Coaca/flower.C didn’t work. When pasting its content into the root interpreter I got the error message
ROOT_prompt_32:1:11: note: 'Assertion failed: isSingleDecl() && "Isn't a single decl", file C:\root\root-6.19.02\interpreter\llvm\src\tools\clang\include\clang/AST/DeclGroup.h, line 87
before root exited, but that might just be because it didn’t like unnamed namespaces
Something in gui/buttonChaneLabel.C, as that crashed root. Just say the word if more/specific examples are required.
Does anyone have any clue what could be the cause of this?
In advance thanks.
ROOT Version: 6.19/02
Platform: Windows 10
Compiler: Not Provided (Visual Studio version 16.6.1, if that is the question)
Edit: Tried ROOT version 6.20/04, and it has the exact same problems.