THbookFile problems

Hello fellow root-ers,

I am having problems attaching NTUPLE using THbookFile class. The problem is that I am not able to read Boolean variables stored in the ntuple. (“L” in paw). If I do:
THbookFile *f = new THbookFile(“run5567.hbook”,8190);
TTree tree = (TTree)f->ConvertCWN(1);
UChar_t fp_posisvalid[2];
tree->SetBranchAddress(“fp_posisvalid”, fp_posisvalid);
and then:
cout << fp_posisvalid[0] << fp_posisvalid[1] << endl;

I am not getting Boolean values. But similar procedure works with all Float_t variables.
If I use h2root and then read the root TFile everything works just fine.
I am attaching one of the hbook files I am using. (sorry it is 1.2MB).

run5567.hbook.gz (1.13 MB)

I will investigate this problem in the coming days
