
why does this happen for v5.21/05 but not for 5.20:

root [0] TH2F* th2 = new TH2F("tH2", "ckasl", 100, -2, 2, 100, -2, 2);
root [1] th2->FillRandom("gaus", 10000000);                           
root [2]  th2->FitSlicesX()                                           
root [3] gDirectory->Print()                                          
TH1.Print Name  = tH2, Entries= 10000000, Total sum= 1e+07
TH1.Print Name  = tH2_0, Entries= 0, Total sum= 0
TH1.Print Name  = tH2_1, Entries= 0, Total sum= 0
TH1.Print Name  = tH2_2, Entries= 0, Total sum= 0
TH1.Print Name  = tH2_chi2, Entries= 0, Total sum= 0

ie all the relevant histograms (*_0, *_1, *_2) are empty.



thank you for reporting this. It has now been fixed in the trunk, (5.21.05)

Best Regards