this is probably a classical request, by I couldn’t find a working solution.
I have a pretty standard TH1, that I need to draw in logy (logarithmic Y axis). I do no set any user range, maximum, minimu, just fill it and then draw it. There are no bins with 0. I draw it and everything looks good.
Now, I need to know which is the displayed Y axis range. I mean which is the minimum of the Y axis that ROOT has used to draw.
If I try: hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmin() it returns 0. Even if when displayed in the log Y scale one can see the minimum is around 0.001 (10^-3).
As it contains a p-Value I want to know from the Y axis range till wich n x sigma lines I can show (1 sigma, 2 sigma,…) in a automatic way.
canPV.pdf (13.4 KB)