TGuiBuilder with 5.18 and XP

Hi Rooters,
Here are some files to show my troubles with TGuiBuilder and XP.

  1. With 5.18 when I save a layout (after first using “Stop Edit”), reopen it, add a button, and save again I loose everything except the frame. 5.12 does not do this, perhaps because it produces a composite frame. (First518.C and Second518.c)
  2. Neither version saves correctly if the file name begins with a number! (1st512.C)
  3. Both versions complain if a lower case .c extension is used and both crash when the Retry button is pressed.
    Thanks for any suggestions you may have.
    1st512.C (3.17 KB)
    Second518.C (2.36 KB)
    First518.C (2.7 KB)

Hi Steve,

I was able to reproduce the reported cases 2 and 3 and will investigate further.

Cheers, Ilka

Hi Ilka,
It is the first case that is most difficult to work around. My exact sequence of steps is to open the builder (new TGuiBuilder), click the Main Frame Icon, click Buttons, click Check Button, click inside the frame, click Stop Edit, Click Save, enter a file name, and exit. I then reopen the builder, click Open, click Check Button, click below the first check button, click Stop, and save a new file. The second saved file is the one that appears without any buttons or a composite frame(s).
I can switch from 5.18 to 5.12 when I want to edit a layout so there is no rush to fix this, however, if you cannot reproduce the behavior, I want to understand what is going wrong on my system. I installed 5.18 by renaming the 5.12 root directory, removing root, and using the recommended .msi file to install 5.18.

Hi Steve,

Thank you for providing these details. I will try to reproduce it. Currently I am testing the reported cases on linux. About running ROOT on Windows I do not see something suspicious, but will ask our Windows expert to check what you have done.

Best regards, Ilka

Hi Steve,

Point 1) and 3) are fixed in svn trunk. Thanks for reporting these issues.
About point 3), the macro is saved correctly, but the name of the macro is given to the function (i.e. 1st512()) and this is not allowed…
So please don’t save your macro with a name beginning with a number.


Bertrand and Ilka,
Thanks for your attention to this.