TGShutterItem container's button question


If the user presses the mouse button while the cursor is on a TGToolbar’s button and then drags it off of the button before releasing it, the parent window’ ProcessMessage() does not get called. That is “normal” gui behavior.

However, buttons that appear on a TGShutterItem’s container do not behave this way (see guitest.c for example): Once the mouse button is pressed, the button’s handler gets called even if the mouse slides off before being released. Is there a way I can make shutter item buttons behave like the toolbar buttons? I’ve tried testing the TGButton’s HasFocus() and GetState() methods within the handler, but that does’nt work…


Hi Ed,
I will investigate this (and the other reported issues) tomorrow when I will back at work if in the meantime you would not get an answer of my colleagues.
Best regards, Ilka