TGNumberEntry Signals?


I have a GUI that updates every 0.2 seconds with real time magnet currents. When a user has the mouse cursor in a TGNumberEntry widget I don’t want that particular widget to update ( it will overwrite the values the user is typing).

Is there a signal that is emitted when the cursor is in a TGNumberEntryField that i can use to temporarily turn of updating ? I’m sure there must be, but i’ve not succeeded in finding it.

In general is there a single place I can find all the different GUI widget signals available in Root?

many thanks in advance,


Hi Duncan,

You can use the ProcessedEvent(Event_t*) signal. Here is an example:

   fNumberEntry->GetNumberEntry()->Connect("ProcessedEvent(Event_t*)", "MyMainFrame",
                                           this, "NumberEntryEvent(Event_t*)");

void MyMainFrame::NumberEntryEvent(Event_t *ev)
   if (ev->fType == kEnterNotify) {
      std::cout << "Entering the TGNumberEntry..." << std::endl;
      fUserInput = kTRUE;
   if (ev->fType == kLeaveNotify) {
      std::cout << "Leaving the TGNumberEntry..." << std::endl;
      fUserInput = kFALSE;

[quote=“djs56”]In general is there a single place I can find all the different GUI widget signals available in Root?[/quote]Well, no, but you can grep for [color=#0000FF]//SIGNAL[/color] in the include directory…

Cheers, Bertrand.


Thanks for the help,

Actually, what I wanted was not when the mouse was over the TGNumberEntryField, but when the “cursor” was in the entry box so you could type in a new value, maybe I wasn’t using the correct language?

I solved my problem by changing kEnterNotify and kLeaveNotify to kFocusIn and kFocusOut from your suggested code.

Also finding the file GuiTypes.h has been very useful.

Thanks again for your help,
