TGGroupFrame and Windows Vista


I have done a GUI for my application using Root 5.22. At one point I am using a TGGroupFrame and some widgets inside it. On Linux and MacOS we can see the widgets, but on Windows Vista (with Root 5.23) we do not see them, I think they are behind the TGGroupFrame. My code is the following :

//Accelerator parameters of the simulation
fGroupFrameAcceleratorParameters = new TGGroupFrame(this,"Accelerator parameters");
fGroupFrameAcceleratorParameters->MoveResize(5, 80, 690, 80);
//Number of particles
fLabelNBParticle = new TGLabel(this, "Number of particles:");
fLabelNBParticle->Move(10, 100);
fNumberEntryNBParticle = new TGNumberEntry(this, (Double_t) 1000,6,-1);
fGroupFrameAcceleratorParameters->AddFrame(fLabelNBParticle, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop,2,2,2,2));
fGroupFrameAcceleratorParameters->AddFrame(fNumberEntryNBParticle, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop,2,2,2,2));

Maybe I did a mistake in this code, but I do not understand why it is working on Linux…

Thank you very much,


Hi Pierre-Louis,

Please try this (correct) way:

[code]//Accelerator parameters of the simulation
fGroupFrameAcceleratorParameters = new TGGroupFrame(this,“Accelerator parameters”);
fGroupFrameAcceleratorParameters->MoveResize(5, 80, 690, 80);

//Number of particles
fLabelNBParticle = new TGLabel(fGroupFrameAcceleratorParameters, “Number of particles:”);
fLabelNBParticle->Move(10, 100);
fNumberEntryNBParticle = new TGNumberEntry(fGroupFrameAcceleratorParameters, (Double_t) 1000,6,-1);
fGroupFrameAcceleratorParameters->AddFrame(fLabelNBParticle, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop,2,2,2,2));
fGroupFrameAcceleratorParameters->AddFrame(fNumberEntryNBParticle, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop,2,2,2,2));[/code]The Windows version respects the parent-child hierarchy :wink:



Thank you for your answer. I tried to change this in fGroupFrameAcceleratorParameters but it still doesn’t work. Maybe there is an order in the MoveResize, isn’t it?

Thank you,


Hi Pierre-Louis,

OK, I cannot try on Windows until Monday, but I was just wondering… I hope you have this kind of line somewhere in your code:

Otherwise, please add it :wink:
And if it still doesn’t work, please post a working macro showing exactly your layout construction problem (this will save our time)

Cheers, Bertrand.

I will test it on Tuesday (I don’t have my Vista computer today), and I will let you know if it works.

Thank you,


I just tested it and it works for me. So if it doesn’t for you, please provide your full source code.
Cheers, Bertrand.

Thank you Betrand, it is working well now!
