TGComboBox key press events

I am attempting to listen for key press events on the TGComboBox component; however, the HandleKey(Event_t *) is never invoked. I believe in this case, the function is inherited from TGFrame.

I’ve been trying to see if listening for key press events on the other components within the TGComboBox would work – such as the TGTextEntry or TGListBox. However, so far I have not had any success.

Is there a way to receive key press events in a TGComboBox? If so, how would I go about doing so?



This could be a solution (actually probably the only one):

   fCombo = new TGComboBox(fF2, "", 88);
   fF2->AddFrame(fCombo, fL3);
   fCombo->GetTextEntry()->Connect("ProcessedEvent(Event_t*)", 0, 0, 

Checking with this slot:

void ProcessedEvent(Event_t *ev) { if (ev->fType != kGKeyPress) return; printf("ProcessedEvent() : ev->fType = %d, Key pressed = %c\n", ev->fType, ev->fCode); }
Gives, when pressing keys in the combobox text entry:

ProcessedEvent() : ev->fType = 0, Key pressed = , ProcessedEvent() : ev->fType = 0, Key pressed = , ProcessedEvent() : ev->fType = 0, Key pressed = , ProcessedEvent() : ev->fType = 0, Key pressed = , ProcessedEvent() : ev->fType = 0, Key pressed = l ProcessedEvent() : ev->fType = 0, Key pressed = k ProcessedEvent() : ev->fType = 0, Key pressed = j ProcessedEvent() : ev->fType = 0, Key pressed = l ProcessedEvent() : ev->fType = 0, Key pressed = k ProcessedEvent() : ev->fType = 0, Key pressed = j ProcessedEvent() : ev->fType = 0, Key pressed = l ProcessedEvent() : ev->fType = 0, Key pressed = k ProcessedEvent() : ev->fType = 0, Key pressed = j ProcessedEvent() : ev->fType = 0, Key pressed = l
Cheers, Bertrand.