TFile ->Write(), why the histo is written multiple times to the file?

Hi everybody,
I would like to write a histogram in each subfolder, but instead multiple copies of the histogram are written in each subfolder. The number of copies is successive in each folder so I suppose it has to do with for-loops, however I only ask to write it once. Why is this happening? You will find my code attached.

Des (78.4 KB)

Hi Des,

the problem is that you are writing the entire directory multiple times.
Here you find the corrected version of your script (indented as well). I added a line and changed one, you can identify them by the comments I added.


//////////takes file with correct folder hierarcy and does rebinning IF WANTED,
///and customizes bin length
//////////User Needs to specify in the beginning  1. varname, 2.number of bins
///in the final histo, 3. REBIN 4. if REBIN, array with binning, FileName

#include "TH1.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "THStack.h"
#include "TLatex.h"
#include "TLatex.h"
#include "TLine.h"
#include "TMarker.h"
#include "TPave.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TRint.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TColor.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TGraph.h>
#include <TH2F.h>
#include <TLegend.h>
#include <TMultiGraph.h>
#include <TROOT.h>
#include <TSystem.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "TGraphAsymmErrors.h"
#include "TGraphErrors.h"

#define REBIN 1

using namespace std;

void reform_step2_fix_crs() {
  string varName = "mJJ";
  //   string varName ="centrality";
  const int newhist_size = 7;
  string filename_out = "final_F_" + varName + "_18bins_180_v1_noNEG.root";
  // Double_t xbins[9]={0,150,300,500,650,800,900,1000,2500};//7bins
  //  Double_t xbins[8]={0,180,300,500,650,800,900,2500};//7bins
  // Double_t xbins[6]={0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.5};//centrality 10bins
  //  Double_t xbins[11]={0,40,80,120,160,200,240,280,320,360,400};//centrality
  //  10bins

  //  Double_t xbins[8]={0,150,300,500,650,800,900,2500};//7bins_v1
  //  Double_t xbins[7]={0,150,300,500,650,800,2500};//6bins
  // Double_t xbins[6]={0,150,300,500,800,2500};//5bins
  // Double_t xbins[5]={0,150,500,800, 2500};//4bins
  //  Double_t xbins[2]={0,2500};//1bin
  // Double_t xbins[4]={0,150,500,2500};//3bins

  //////////////////////new mjj binning
  // Double_t xbins[6]={0,180,300,500,800,2500};//mjjBbins (5bins_180_v1)
  //  Double_t xbins[7]={0,180,300,500,650,800,2500};//mjjBbins (6bins_180_v1)
  //   Double_t xbins[8]={0,180,300,500,650,800,900,2500};//mjjBbins
  //   (7bins_180_v1)
  //   Double_t xbins[9]={0,180,300,500,650,800,900,1000,2500};//mjjBbins
  //   (8bins_180_v1)

  //  Double_t xbins[10]={0,180,300,500,650,800,900,1000,1100,2500};//mjjBbins
  //  (9bins_180_v1)
  // Double_t
  // xbins[11]={0,180,300,500,650,800,900,1000,1100,1200,2500};//mjjBbins
  // (10bins_180_v1)
  //  Double_t
  //  xbins[12]={0,180,300,500,650,800,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,2500};//mjjBbins
  //  (11bins_180_v1)
  //  Double_t
  //  xbins[13]={0,180,300,500,650,800,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,2500};//mjjBbins
  //  (12bins_180_v1)
  //  Double_t
  //  xbins[14]={0,180,300,500,650,800,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,2500};//mjjBbins
  //  (13bins_180_v1)
  // Double_t
  // xbins[15]={0,180,300,500,650,800,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1600,2500};//mjjBbins
  // (14bins_180_v1)
  //  Double_t
  //  xbins[16]={0,180,300,500,650,800,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1600,1700,2500};//mjjBbins
  //  (15bins_180_v1)
  //    Double_t
  //    xbins[17]={0,180,300,500,650,800,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1600,1700,1800,2500};//mjjBbins
  //    (16bins_180_v1)
  //    Double_t
  //    xbins[18]={0,180,300,500,650,800,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1600,1700,1800,1900,2500};//mjjBbins
  //    (17bins_180_v1)
  //  Double_t
  //  xbins[19]={0,180,300,500,650,800,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1600,1700,1800,1900,2000,2500};//mjjBbins
  //  (18bins_180_v1)

  Double_t xbins[8] = {0,   150, 300, 500,
                       650, 800, 900, 2500}; // mjjBbins (7bins_180_v2)

  TFile *top = new TFile((filename_out).data(), "recreate");
  //  TFile *f_undercheck = TFile::Open("output2/intermediate_F_mJJ_v1.root");
  TFile *f_undercheck = TFile::Open("intermediate_F_mJJ_v1.root");

  TDirectory *folders1[5];
  TDirectory *folders2[10];
  TDirectory *folders3[5];

  string sys_cases[3];
  string srlist[5];
  string samplelist[10];
  string channellist[5];

  srlist[0] = "WZjj";
  srlist[1] = "WZQCD";
  srlist[2] = "ttbar";
  srlist[3] = "zz";
  srlist[4] = "WZjj150";

  TH1F *hnew;
  TH1F *pt1;
  TH1F * final;
  //    final= new TH1F("final2","",newhist_size,0,newhist_size);
  TH1F *final2;
  TH1F *nozero_sr;
  TH1F *nozero_qcd;
  // TH1F* final;
  const int xbins_sr_size = 4;
  const int xbins_qcd_size = 6;
  //  Double_t xbins[8]={0,150,300,500,650,800,900,2500};
  Double_t xbins_sr[5] = {500, 650, 800, 900, 2500};
  Double_t xbins_qcd[7] = {150, 300, 500, 650, 800, 900, 2500};

  sys_cases[0] = "nom";
  sys_cases[1] = "sys_up";
  sys_cases[2] = "sys_down";

  samplelist[0] = "WZjj";
  samplelist[1] = "WZEW";
  samplelist[2] = "ttbar";
  samplelist[3] = "ttbarV";
  samplelist[4] = "Zgamma";
  samplelist[5] = "tZ";
  samplelist[6] = "Zll";
  samplelist[7] = "VVV";
  samplelist[8] = "ZZ";
  samplelist[9] = "data";

  channellist[0] = "EEE";
  channellist[1] = "EMM";
  channellist[2] = "MEE";
  channellist[3] = "MMM";
  channellist[4] = "eee";

  cout << "CREATED folders" << endl;
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    folders1[i] = top->mkdir((srlist[i]).data());
    for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
      folders2[j] = folders1[i]->mkdir((samplelist[j]).data());
      for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
        folders3[k] = folders2[j]->mkdir((channellist[k]).data());
  cout << "CREATED folders 2!!" << endl;

  // TFile *f_undercheck =
  // TFile::Open("output/input_F_mJJB_1lengthbins_right_v7_allchannels_eee_test2.root");
  for (int sample_iter = 0; sample_iter < 1; sample_iter++) {
    for (unsigned int cregion_iter = 0; cregion_iter < 1; cregion_iter++) {
      for (int channel_iter = 0; channel_iter < 5; channel_iter++) {
        // int channel_iter=0;int cregion_iter=4;int sample_iter =0;
        string cr_test = srlist[cregion_iter] + "_" + channellist[channel_iter];
        string pathname = srlist[cregion_iter] + "/" + samplelist[sample_iter] +
                          "/" + channellist[channel_iter];
        string filename = varName + "_" + srlist[cregion_iter] + "_" +
                          samplelist[sample_iter] + "_" +
                          channellist[channel_iter] + "_" + sys_cases[0];

        string histo_name2 = pathname + "/" + filename;
        cout << "histoname " << histo_name2 << endl;
        pt1 = (TH1F *)f_undercheck->Get(histo_name2.c_str());
        if (REBIN) {
          // cout<<"rebin1 "<<histo_name2<<endl;
          final2 = (TH1F *)pt1->Rebin(newhist_size, "final2", xbins);
          //    cout<<"REBIN!"<<endl;
        } else {
          final2 = (TH1F *)pt1->Clone("final2");
        //    hnew=(TH1*)final2->Clone("hnew");

        /// fix CRs
        if (cregion_iter == 0) {
          //  cout<<"cr1 "<<histo_name2<<endl;
          nozero_sr =
              (TH1F *)final2->Rebin(xbins_sr_size, "nozero_sr", xbins_sr);
          hnew = (TH1F *)nozero_sr->Clone("hnew");
        } else if (cregion_iter == 1 || cregion_iter == 4) {
          nozero_qcd =
              (TH1F *)final2->Rebin(xbins_qcd_size, "nozero_qcd", xbins_qcd);
          hnew = (TH1F *)nozero_qcd->Clone("hnew");
        } else {
          hnew = (TH1F *)final2->Clone("hnew");
        ////////////////////////////se length=1
        if (cregion_iter == 0) {
          final = new TH1F("final", "", xbins_sr_size, 0, xbins_sr_size);
        } else if (cregion_iter == 1 || cregion_iter == 4) {
          final = new TH1F("final", "", xbins_qcd_size, 0, xbins_qcd_size);
        } else {
          final = new TH1F("final", "", newhist_size, 0, newhist_size);

        for (int k = 1; k <= final->GetNbinsX(); k++) {
          if (hnew->GetBinContent(k) < 0) {
            cout << "NEGATIVE BIN!!!" << endl;
            cout << histo_name2 << endl;
            final->SetBinContent(k, 0);
            final->SetBinError(k, hnew->GetBinError(k));

          } else {
            final->SetBinContent(k, hnew->GetBinContent(k));
            final->SetBinError(k, hnew->GetBinError(k));
        cout << "paei na grapsei to " << filename << "sto " << pathname << endl;
        auto dir = top->GetDirectory((;
        dir->cd(); // New Line!
        final->Write(); // Changed Line! Was: top->Write()

        // cout<<"prin to delete "<<histo_name2<<endl;

        // delete final2;
        // delete final;
        // delete pt1;
  /* TCanvas *c1= new TCanvas();
   TCanvas *c2= new TCanvas();
   TCanvas *c3= new TCanvas();
  cout << "File was written and saved as: " << filename_out << endl;
} // end of new2()

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Thanks a lot @Danilo!

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