TF1 weird behavior

Why do the two following function plots are different? The only difference is that in the first one, I add parameter number 1 in the numerator of my function, but it is set to one, so it should have no effect. However, the resulting functions are clearly different. I’m using ROOT 6.03/04 on MacOSX 10.10.4, installed from source.

import ROOT

f = ROOT.TF1('f', '(255*[1])/(([0]/x)+[1])', 0, 12800)
f.SetParameter(0, 1000)
f.SetParameter(1, 1.0)

canvas = ROOT.TCanvas()

f = ROOT.TF1('f', '255/(([0]/x)+[1])', 0, 12800)
f.SetParameter(0, 1000)
f.SetParameter(1, 1.0)

canvas = ROOT.TCanvas()


I think what you see what caused by a bug in the new TFormula in 6.03.04. This problem is not visible anymore in the current master.
I would recommend you not to use this old development version, but to move to the 6.04 production version, 6.04.02, or the head of the master branch.

Best Regards
