TF1 random number generator

Hi everyone,

Look at the attached plot. I am given a TF1 function which I use to generate random number and fill them into histogram. But they don’t quite match.
Any comments on that?


  int nb = 10;  // number of bins in hist in log scale
  double factor = pow(10,log10(25/0.09)/10);
  double bins[ nb+1 ]; // making equal bin width in log scale
  int i;  double myX;
  int off_events = 10000;
  bins[ 0 ] = 0.09;
  for( i = 1; i <= nb; i++ )
      bins[ i ] = bins[ i-1 ] * factor;                                                                   
  TH1F *off_data = new TH1F( "off","Off data" ,nb, bins );
  for( i = 0; i < off_events; i++ )
      myX = f_Conv->GetRandom();  // this is a tf1                                                      
      off_data->Fill( myX );
  for( i = 0; i <= nb; i++ )
      myX = off_data->GetBinContent(i)*tflux/off_events;
      // tflux is integral of tf1
      off_data->SetBinContent( i, myX );  // renormalizing
  gPad->SetLogy(); gPad->SetLogx();


The generation of random numbers from TF1, uses bins in x. It could be that the random generation from TF1 does not use the log bin as the histogram. Can you please post the running code, i.e. the function definition.

Best Regards
