TEve problem in OSX El Captitan 2?


I’m writing application using TEve
and after I upgraded to El Capitan whenever my mouse pointer crosses the TEve window border it gives me an error.

I think anyone can reproduce this by running tutorials/Eve/alice_esd.C .


Here’s the error message.

root [1] 2015-11-11 13:34:11.914 root.exe[69621:9733347] -[_NSViewAuxiliary isHidden]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7faba55e72d0
Warning in <TMacOSXSystem::Run>: handle uncaugth exception, terminating
2015-11-11 13:34:11.924 root.exe[69621:9733347] -[QuartzImage addChild:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7faba5786b10
2015-11-11 13:34:11.926 root.exe[69621:9733347] An uncaught exception was raised
2015-11-11 13:34:11.926 root.exe[69621:9733347] -[QuartzImage addChild:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7faba5786b10
2015-11-11 13:34:11.926 root.exe[69621:9733347] (
	0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff95b74e32 __exceptionPreprocess + 178
	1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff9782cdd4 objc_exception_throw + 48
	2   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff95bde34d -[NSObject(NSObject) doesNotRecognizeSelector:] + 205
	3   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff95ae5661 ___forwarding___ + 1009
	4   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff95ae51e8 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 120
	5   libGCocoa.so                        0x00000001202d9848 _ZN7TGCocoa13ReparentChildEmmii + 264
	6   libGui.so                           0x000000011cdd98c1 _ZN8TGWindow14ReparentWindowEPKS_ii + 65
	7   libGui.so                           0x000000011ccd5fe8 _ZN7TGFrame14ReparentWindowEPK8TGWindowii + 24
	8   libEve.so                           0x000000011c0254e0 _ZN18TEveCompositeFrame19RelinquishEveWindowEb + 128
	9   libEve.so                           0x000000011c02510f _ZN18TEveCompositeFrameD2Ev + 159
	10  libEve.so                           0x000000011c02641e _ZN23TEveCompositeFrameInTabD0Ev + 14
	11  libGui.so                           0x000000011cd295cb _ZN16TGCompositeFrame7CleanupEv + 219
	12  libGui.so                           0x000000011cd292f5 _ZN16TGCompositeFrameD2Ev + 53
	13  libGui.so                           0x000000011cd2942e _ZN16TGCompositeFrameD0Ev + 14
	14  libGui.so                           0x000000011cd295cb _ZN16TGCompositeFrame7CleanupEv + 219
	15  libGui.so                           0x000000011cda5002 _ZN5TGTabD2Ev + 50
	16  libGui.so                           0x000000011cda50de _ZN5TGTabD0Ev + 14
	17  libGui.so                           0x000000011cddcd63 _ZN12TRootBrowserD2Ev + 435
	18  libEve.so                           0x000000011bf966ee _ZN11TEveBrowserD0Ev + 14
	19  libCore.so                          0x000000010de2daf2 _ZN9THashList6DeleteEPKc + 162
	20  libGui.so                           0x000000011ccf7c9c _ZN8TGClientD2Ev + 76
	21  libGui.so                           0x000000011ccf7d6e _ZN8TGClientD0Ev + 14
	22  libGui.so                           0x000000011cddae60 _ZN16TRootApplicationD0Ev + 48
	23  libCore.so                          0x000000010dd92eff _ZN12TApplicationD2Ev + 271
	24  libRint.so                          0x000000010dce8dfe _ZN5TRintD0Ev + 14
	25  root.exe                            0x000000010dce1e9d main + 93
	26  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff9e0565ad start + 1
2015-11-11 13:34:11.926 root.exe[69621:9733347] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[QuartzImage addChild:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7faba5786b10'
*** First throw call stack:
	0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff95b74e32 __exceptionPreprocess + 178
	1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff9782cdd4 objc_exception_throw + 48
	2   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff95bde34d -[NSObject(NSObject) doesNotRecognizeSelector:] + 205
	3   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff95ae5661 ___forwarding___ + 1009
	4   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff95ae51e8 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 120
	5   libGCocoa.so                        0x00000001202d9848 _ZN7TGCocoa13ReparentChildEmmii + 264
	6   libGui.so                           0x000000011cdd98c1 _ZN8TGWindow14ReparentWindowEPKS_ii + 65
	7   libGui.so                           0x000000011ccd5fe8 _ZN7TGFrame14ReparentWindowEPK8TGWindowii + 24
	8   libEve.so                           0x000000011c0254e0 _ZN18TEveCompositeFrame19RelinquishEveWindowEb + 128
	9   libEve.so                           0x000000011c02510f _ZN18TEveCompositeFrameD2Ev + 159
	10  libEve.so                           0x000000011c02641e _ZN23TEveCompositeFrameInTabD0Ev + 14
	11  libGui.so                           0x000000011cd295cb _ZN16TGCompositeFrame7CleanupEv + 219
	12  libGui.so                           0x000000011cd292f5 _ZN16TGCompositeFrameD2Ev + 53
	13  libGui.so                           0x000000011cd2942e _ZN16TGCompositeFrameD0Ev + 14
	14  libGui.so                           0x000000011cd295cb _ZN16TGCompositeFrame7CleanupEv + 219
	15  libGui.so                           0x000000011cda5002 _ZN5TGTabD2Ev + 50
	16  libGui.so                           0x000000011cda50de _ZN5TGTabD0Ev + 14
	17  libGui.so                           0x000000011cddcd63 _ZN12TRootBrowserD2Ev + 435
	18  libEve.so                           0x000000011bf966ee _ZN11TEveBrowserD0Ev + 14
	19  libCore.so                          0x000000010de2daf2 _ZN9THashList6DeleteEPKc + 162
	20  libGui.so                           0x000000011ccf7c9c _ZN8TGClientD2Ev + 76
	21  libGui.so                           0x000000011ccf7d6e _ZN8TGClientD0Ev + 14
	22  libGui.so                           0x000000011cddae60 _ZN16TRootApplicationD0Ev + 48
	23  libCore.so                          0x000000010dd92eff _ZN12TApplicationD2Ev + 271
	24  libRint.so                          0x000000010dce8dfe _ZN5TRintD0Ev + 14
	25  root.exe                            0x000000010dce1e9d main + 93
	26  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff9e0565ad start + 1
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException


I leave the other problem here.

The problem I described also happens with “tutorials/eve/glplot.C” but the error message is quite different.
(That’s why I leave this as a separated post.)

Could anyone check this?

Thank you very much.

Here’s error code

 *** Break *** segmentation violation
 Generating stack trace...
 0x000000011d5a7259 in ROOT::MacOSX::X11::FindViewForPointerEvent(NSEvent*) (in libGCocoa.so) (QuartzWindow.mm:499)
 0x000000011d5d9a6e in ROOT::MacOSX::X11::EventTranslator::GenerateCrossingEvent(NSEvent*) (in libGCocoa.so) (X11Events.mm:1212)
 0x00007fff9a92df06 in -[NSTrackingArea _dispatchMouseExited:] (in AppKit) + 86
 0x00007fff9a92de0a in -[NSTrackingArea _mouseExited:] (in AppKit) + 78
 0x00007fff9a8d9136 in -[NSApplication sendEvent:] (in AppKit) + 4091
 0x000000010f840707 in TMacOSXSystem::WaitEvents(long) (in libCore.so) (TMacOSXSystem.mm:492)
 0x000000010f84026d in TMacOSXSystem::DispatchOneEvent(bool) (in libCore.so) (TMacOSXSystem.mm:404)
 0x000000010f78f03a in TSystem::InnerLoop() (in libCore.so) (TSystem.cxx:411)
 0x000000010f78ee8b in TSystem::Run() (in libCore.so) (TSystem.cxx:361)
 0x000000010f7337d4 in TApplication::Run(bool) (in libCore.so) (TApplication.cxx:1140)
 0x000000010f68639c in TRint::Run(bool) (in libRint.so) (TRint.cxx:459)
 0x000000010f67be8f in main (in root.exe) (rmain.cxx:32)
 0x00007fff9e0565ad in start (in libdyld.dylib) + 1
Root > 
 *** Break *** segmentation violation
 Generating stack trace...
 0x000000011d5a7259 in ROOT::MacOSX::X11::FindViewForPointerEvent(NSEvent*) (in libGCocoa.so) (QuartzWindow.mm:499)
 0x000000011d5d9a6e in ROOT::MacOSX::X11::EventTranslator::GenerateCrossingEvent(NSEvent*) (in libGCocoa.so) (X11Events.mm:1212)
 0x00007fff9a92df06 in -[NSTrackingArea _dispatchMouseExited:] (in AppKit) + 86
 0x00007fff9a92de0a in -[NSTrackingArea _mouseExited:] (in AppKit) + 78
 0x00007fff9a8d9136 in -[NSApplication sendEvent:] (in AppKit) + 4091
 0x000000010f83fe9f in TMacOSXSystem::DispatchOneEvent(bool) (in libCore.so) (TMacOSXSystem.mm:456)
 0x000000010f78f03a in TSystem::InnerLoop() (in libCore.so) (TSystem.cxx:411)
 0x000000010f78ee8b in TSystem::Run() (in libCore.so) (TSystem.cxx:361)
 0x000000010f7337d4 in TApplication::Run(bool) (in libCore.so) (TApplication.cxx:1140)
 0x000000010f68639c in TRint::Run(bool) (in libRint.so) (TRint.cxx:459)
 0x000000010f67be8f in main (in root.exe) (rmain.cxx:32)
 0x00007fff9e0565ad in start (in libdyld.dylib) + 1
Root > 
 *** Break *** segmentation violation
 Generating stack trace...
 0x000000011d5a7259 in ROOT::MacOSX::X11::FindViewForPointerEvent(NSEvent*) (in libGCocoa.so) (QuartzWindow.mm:499)
 0x000000011d5d9a6e in ROOT::MacOSX::X11::EventTranslator::GenerateCrossingEvent(NSEvent*) (in libGCocoa.so) (X11Events.mm:1212)
 0x00007fff9a92df06 in -[NSTrackingArea _dispatchMouseExited:] (in AppKit) + 86
 0x00007fff9a92de0a in -[NSTrackingArea _mouseExited:] (in AppKit) + 78
 0x00007fff9a8d9136 in -[NSApplication sendEvent:] (in AppKit) + 4091
 0x000000010f83fe9f in TMacOSXSystem::DispatchOneEvent(bool) (in libCore.so) (TMacOSXSystem.mm:456)
 0x000000010f78f03a in TSystem::InnerLoop() (in libCore.so) (TSystem.cxx:411)
 0x000000010f78ee8b in TSystem::Run() (in libCore.so) (TSystem.cxx:361)
 0x000000010f7337d4 in TApplication::Run(bool) (in libCore.so) (TApplication.cxx:1140)
 0x000000010f68639c in TRint::Run(bool) (in libRint.so) (TRint.cxx:459)
 0x000000010f67be8f in main (in root.exe) (rmain.cxx:32)
 0x00007fff9e0565ad in start (in libdyld.dylib) + 1
Root > 

root.cern.ch/gitweb?p=root.git; … 8e77cd00e3
root.cern.ch/gitweb?p=root.git; … 1ef13f1435

Those commits mean the problem should be fixed in the latest release, right?

When I download and tested with the latest binary, the error was still there.

I’ll try to compile all the code in my macbook.

Thanks for the reply.

root.cern.ch/gitweb?p=root.git; … 1ef13f1435[/quote]

I just check the difference of codes with the latest release
and found that both commits are not reflected in the latest release.

In master branch those are applied, though. :smiley:

Oh. I’m surprised that these commits are not applied to 6.04.10.
Can I ask what’s the plan about those?

------------- Addition:

I scanned the git tree and found that it’ll be released with 6.06.
Thank you.