I’m actually using TGeoIntersection to cut a large geometry, but there are a lot of volumes that are not in the intersection shape then there are error messages like: TGeoIntersection::ComputeBBox:0: RuntimeWarning: shapes pin and TGeoXtru do not intersect
Is there a way to test if two volumes are intersecting before perform the intersection?
The test is the one performed by TGeoIntersection::ComputeBBox, checking if the bounding boxed of the 2 shapes intersect or not. This still does not guarantee that the shapes will intersect.
I used the TGeoIntersection::ComputeBBox as @agheata said in a previous message.
It works very well by testing if the origin parameter is set to [0,0,0] after the method (to detect is the shape is intersecting or not an other shape). But this method throw warning messages. How to mute the warnings during my method ?
Edit : Or how to catch the warning in python using try: ... except: ... for example ?