I have compiled a c++ program that references one root header file, attached. It runs, with output “hello world”, but gives this warning at run time: <TEnvRec::ChangeValue>: duplicate entry <//=foreground color> for level 1; ignored
I have read the other similar posts about updating the system.rootmap file, but on my laptop I have not located such a file. I am using Root 6.31/01 on Ubuntu 22.04. Thanks for any thoughts.
Please fill also the fields below. Note that root -b -q will tell you this info, and starting from 6.28/06 upwards, you can call .forum bug from the ROOT prompt to pre-populate a topic.
ROOT Version: Not Provided Platform: Not Provided Compiler: Not Provided
Thanks for the post. It looks like some kind of misconfiguration.
Do you manage to reproduce the problem with something simpler, e.g. w/o Eigen?
What rootmap files do you have in the directories in the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH?
Do you see any warning when launching root?
I hope these three hints help us converge on a solution.
Thanks and yes, the warning also appears in the simplified attached helloWorld.c , and when I start Root interactively. My configuration is limited to these steps in my .bashrc file:
Thanks. Can you exclude you do not have any remnant of previous installations around?
If I may, I also would suggest to move away from 6.31 (an old untagged commit of the root master branch?) in favour of ROOT 6.32.02, the latest stable.
Coming back to this after a break.
This really looks like a problem in the installation. Do you have access to another machine where you can try your script?