Temporarily turn off warnings in PyROOT

Here is a simple context-manager class that you can use to temporarily raise the print level for a few commands:

import ROOT
class Quiet:
    """Context manager for silencing certain ROOT operations.  Usage:
    with Quiet(level = ROOT.kInfo+1):

    You can set a higher or lower warning level to ignore different
    kinds of messages.  After the end of indentation, the level is set
    back to what it was previously.
    def __init__(self, level=ROOT.kInfo + 1):
        self.level = level

    def __enter__(self):
        self.oldlevel = ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel
        ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = self.level

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = self.oldlevel

I use it when saving canvases to suppress the “file created” message:

with MyROOT.Quiet():

Here are some simple classes that play a similar role in C++. Where in Python you used a context manager and the “with” keyword, in C++ you just create a scope (with { and }) and instantiate a Quiet or Batch object. When the scope ends, the destructors return the ErrorIgnoreLevel and Batch status to what it was before.

// In a Utility.h file:
  class Quiet
  { // Usage:
    // { Quiet q(kWarning+1);
    //   StuffThatProducedOutput();
    // }
    Quiet(Int_t level = kInfo+1);
    Int_t prev;

  class Batch
    Batch(Bool_t b = kTRUE);
    Bool_t prev;
  // In a Utility.C file:
  Quiet::Quiet(Int_t level) : prev(gErrorIgnoreLevel) { gErrorIgnoreLevel = level;};
  Quiet::~Quiet() {gErrorIgnoreLevel = prev;};

  Batch::Batch(Bool_t b) : prev(gROOT->IsBatch()) { gROOT->SetBatch(b) ;};
  Batch::~Batch() { gROOT->SetBatch(prev) ;};

Hi Jean-François,

thanks for sharing these snippets.
Indeed RAII for C++ and context-managers for Python are indeed powerful tools/paradigms.
