TClass names for non-C++ types

hi there,

I am trying to provide full inter-operability with ROOT, from Go.
I can read and write ROOT objects all right (mostly.)

and now, I am in the middle of providing write ability to Go-based types.
most of this is working:

  • generating a TStreamerInfo
  • generating all the needed TStreamerElement
  • saving these in the ROOT file TStreamerInfos

there is currently one snag:

  • how to make the name of the Go type fully inter-operable with what TClass and friends expect?

A Go type is fully qualified like that: <package-name>.<type-name>.
where package-name can be, e.g. and type-name: H1D.
so, for example, the fully qualified name of that type would be: in a Go program.

Obviously, the /, . and - characters confuse TClass and friends.

>>> import ROOT
>>> f = ROOT.TFile.Open("out.root")
TClass::Init:0: RuntimeWarning: no dictionary for class is available
>>> o=f.Get("my-evt")
<ROOT.TClass object ("") at 0x55d97d4aa150>
TFile**		out.root	out.root
 TFile*		out.root	out.root
  KEY:	my-evt;1	
>>> ROOT.TClass.GetClass("")
<ROOT.TClass object ("") at 0x55729e691c00>
>>> cl.Print()
OBJ: TClass

where out.root contains this:

$> root-ls -sinfos ./out.root
 StreamerInfo for "" version=1 title=""
  Name  TString offset=  0 type= 65 size= 24  
  run   long    offset=  0 type=  4 size=  8  
  evt   long    offset=  0 type=  4 size=  8  

would anyone have any guidance on how to handle this?

should I try to put all the Go types in a “special” ::golang namespace and translate all characters that C++ can’t handle to something it can?

C++: ::golang::go_hep_org::x::hep::groot::redm::Event

(could I use “equivalent” UTF-8 characters for - and . ?)


PS: I would expect that people playing with Python (via uproot), Rust or Julia will encounter this type of issue at some point too…

ROOT Version: 6.14/04
Platform: Linux
Compiler: Go-1.11.x

Hi Sebastien,

should I try to put all the Go types in a “special” ::golang namespace and translate all characters that C++ can’t handle to something it can?

I agree that your proposal goes in the right direction. One thing I would not do is prefix with ::golang which in first approximation an implementation detail. Using:

C++: go_hep_org::x::hep::groot::redm::Event

would allow to read the data in the C++ class:

namespace go_hep_org {
namespace x {
namespace hep {
namespace groot { 
namespace redm {
class Event { .... };


hi Philippe,

yes, at first approximation this is indeed an implementation detail.

but not knowing a given TStreamerInfo actually comes from a Go-generated type, we loose information and end up with some hysteresis effect:

  • how could groot know that go_hep_org::x::hep::groot::redm::Event is actually a Go type and e.g. edm::reco::Particle is a C++ type?

I could also imagine that one would like to perform some special operation for a streamer that comes from Rust, Julia or Go (e.g. to register it with some Rust,… or Go type registry or some garbage collector hook, etc…)

is there a place somewhere in TStreamerInfo where one could stash this kind of metadata? or a way to encode it somewhere that would be backward and forward compatible? or some syntax to use?

PS: I was suggesting using ::golang because it reminded me of the issue we had with string and std::string, where one reflection type system would use the former while the other would use the latter, leading to some inefficiencies. I fear one could end up in such a situation.

In my opinion the file should not know where the objects comes from.

I could also imagine that one would like to perform some special operation for a streamer that comes from Rust, Julia or Go

It shouldn’t because the data ought to be the same no matter what wrote it.

( e.g. to register it with some Rust,… or Go type registry or some garbage collector hook, etc…)

This should be the reverse. I.e: here is a StreamerInfo with a given name, does the current process know about it natively, if not then emulate it. [In the C++ library, the algo is something like, do we have a TClass for it, if not do we know how to autoload a library for it, if not does the interpreter knows about it, if not then we emulate that class]

is there a place somewhere in TStreamerInfo where one could stash this kind of metadata? or a way to encode it somewhere that would be backward and forward compatible? or some syntax to use?

I think only the StreamerInfo’s title fit that bill.



I’ll play a bit with the TStreamerInfo's title to see what gives.

alternatively, I guess I could also save a “special” TStreamerInfo where all the needed Go specific stuff could be encoded.

e.g. to disambiguate between:

  • a_b_org::edm::Foo: a C++ class named Foo in the namespace a_b_org::edm; and
  • a_b_org::edm::Foo: a Go type named Foo from the package

e.g. to disambiguate between:

One question is whether you ever need to. I.e. do you envision a case where both would live in the same process and be semantically independent.


For example: from C++ you would have no choice but to read a a_b_org::edm::Foo into the C++ version and from Go you read it into the go-version, which if both exist would (better be) memory layout identical (or at least trivially translatable by the Go-to-C++ interfacing layer.

well, I don’t know, yet.
in a non-distributed application (well, every application is time-distributed…) it may not be the case, but in a distributed, polyglot, application such as AliceO2, where a process in an analysis pipeline may receive data from any number of processes upstream – with processes that can be written in any number of languages – this might be a more common situation.

yes, they better should, of course :slight_smile:
there’s also the issue that, when given a_b_c_org::edm::Foo, it may very well refer to either:


in the POOL old days, we had a set of special top-level data items (##POOL_Links, and other ##POOL_xyz, IIRC) that would encode similar metadata.
I think I’ll go this way (after a good night sleep, I realized I couldn’t encode all of what I wanted in a “polymorph” TStreamerInfo, without confusing ROOT b/c of an ever changing Checksum…)

This brings me to another question: how are the TStreamerInfo checksums computed ?
I vaguely recall there was some (unwanted?) change in how they were created at some point.
is there some specs or algorithm that describes what goes in? (and how?)


You are right and you ought to encode ‘.’ and ‘-’ differently.

well, I don’t know, yet.

I still think that you should not need it. Currently the I/O is producing a ‘platform independent binary form’ of the objects and thus you do not want to be encoding things differently depending on which language is writing it. [And even a newer ‘zero-copy’ mode would ‘just’ have to have the 2 sides to agree that they are they have the same data layout no matter which language they use]

but in a distributed, polyglot, application such as AliceO2 … this might be a more common situation.

Humm … I am not sure what you mean … Are you envisioning that the various element would reuse the same names for 2 semantically different types? [Since the I/O layer does the translation between platform independent binary form and in-memory layout, it does not matter if the 2 process have different memory layout [unless they want to use the yet-to-be-implemented-zero-copy-format]]

This brings me to another question: how are the TStreamerInfo checksums computed ?

I don’t think we got around to describe using english sentences. The authoritative answer is at: UInt_t TClass::GetCheckSum(ECheckSum code, Bool_t &isvalid) const


mission accomplished :slight_smile:

given the following Go type definition:

package redm

//go:generate root-gen-streamers -p -t Event,HLV -o pkg_gen.go

// Event is a simple type to exercize streamers generation.
type Event struct {
	name string `groot:"Name"`
	run  int64
	evt  int64

	u8  uint8
	u16 uint16
	u32 uint32
	u64 uint64

	i8  int8
	i16 int16
	i32 int32
	i64 int64

	f32 float32
	f64 float64

	b bool


	ArrU8  [10]uint8
	ArrU16 [10]uint16
	ArrU32 [10]uint32
	ArrU64 [10]uint64

	ArrI8  [10]int8
	ArrI16 [10]int16
	ArrI32 [10]int32
	ArrI64 [10]int64

	ArrF32 [10]float32
	ArrF64 [10]float64

	ArrBs [4]bool

func (*Event) RVersion() int16 { return 1 }
func (*Event) Class() string   { return "" }

// HLV is a simple type to exercize streamers generation.
type HLV struct {
	px, py, pz, e float64

func (*HLV) RVersion() int16 { return 1 }
func (*HLV) Class() string   { return "" }

and the following equivalent C++ definition event.h:

#include "TString.h"

namespace go_hep_org { namespace x { 
namespace hep { namespace groot { namespace redm {

	class HLV {
		double px,py,pz,e;

	class Event {
		TString                              Name;
		long                                 run;
		long                                 evt;
		unsigned char                        u8;
		unsigned short                       u16;
		unsigned int                         u32;
		unsigned long                        u64;
		char                                 i8;
		short                                i16;
		int                                  i32;
		long                                 i64;
		float                                f32;
		double                               f64;
		bool                                 b;
		go_hep_org::x::hep::groot::redm::HLV HLV;
		unsigned char                        ArrU8[10];
		unsigned short                       ArrU16[10];
		unsigned int                         ArrU32[10];
		unsigned long                        ArrU64[10];
		char                                 ArrI8[10];
		short                                ArrI16[10];
		int                                  ArrI32[10];
		long                                 ArrI64 [10];
		float                                ArrF32[10];
		double                               ArrF64[10];
		bool                                 ArrBs[4];

streamers are automatically generated, either at runtime or at buildtime, like so (for the latter):

$> go generate ./redm
$> go get ./redm

then, running the following Go program:

package main

import (


func main() {
	f, err := groot.Create("out.root")
	if err != nil {
	defer f.Close()

	evt := redm.New("hello", 42, 666)
	err = f.Put("my-evt", evt)
	if err != nil {

	err = f.Close()
	if err != nil {

produces the following:

$> go run ./test-streamers.go
$> root-ls -sinfos ./out.root
=== [./out.root] ===
version: 61404
 StreamerInfo for "go_hep_org::x::hep::groot::redm::Event" version=1 title="Go;"
  TString                              Name    offset=  0 type= 65 size= 24  
  long                                 run     offset=  0 type=  4 size=  8  
  long                                 evt     offset=  0 type=  4 size=  8  
  unsigned char                        u8      offset=  0 type= 11 size=  1  
  unsigned short                       u16     offset=  0 type= 12 size=  2  
  unsigned int                         u32     offset=  0 type= 13 size=  4  
  unsigned long                        u64     offset=  0 type= 14 size=  8  
  char                                 i8      offset=  0 type=  1 size=  1  
  short                                i16     offset=  0 type=  2 size=  2  
  int                                  i32     offset=  0 type=  3 size=  4  
  long                                 i64     offset=  0 type=  4 size=  8  
  float                                f32     offset=  0 type=  5 size=  4  
  double                               f64     offset=  0 type=  8 size=  8  
  bool                                 b       offset=  0 type= 18 size=  1  
  go_hep_org::x::hep::groot::redm::HLV HLV     offset=  0 type= 62 size= 32  
  unsigned char                        ArrU8   offset=  0 type= 31 size= 10  
  unsigned short                       ArrU16  offset=  0 type= 32 size= 20  
  unsigned int                         ArrU32  offset=  0 type= 33 size= 40  
  unsigned long                        ArrU64  offset=  0 type= 34 size= 80  
  char                                 ArrI8   offset=  0 type= 21 size= 10  
  short                                ArrI16  offset=  0 type= 22 size= 20  
  int                                  ArrI32  offset=  0 type= 23 size= 40  
  long                                 ArrI64  offset=  0 type= 24 size= 80  
  float                                ArrF32  offset=  0 type= 25 size= 40  
  double                               ArrF64  offset=  0 type= 28 size= 80  
  bool                                 ArrBs   offset=  0 type= 38 size=  4  
 StreamerInfo for "TString" version=2 title=""
 StreamerInfo for "go_hep_org::x::hep::groot::redm::HLV" version=1 title="Go;"
  double px      offset=  0 type=  8 size=  8  
  double py      offset=  0 type=  8 size=  8  
  double pz      offset=  0 type=  8 size=  8  
  double e       offset=  0 type=  8 size=  8  
go_hep_org::x::hep::groot::redm::Event my-evt          (cycle=1)

with the following content:

$> root-dump ./out.root
>>> file[./out.root]
key[000]: my-evt;1 "" (go_hep_org::x::hep::groot::redm::Event) => &{hello 42 666 8 16 32 64 -8 -16 -32 -64 32.32 64.64 true {1 2 3 4} [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0] [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0] [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0] [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0] [-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 0] [-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 0] [-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 0] [-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 0] [-1.1 -2.2 -3.3 -4.4 -5.5 -6.6 -7.7 -8.8 -9.9 0] [-1.1 -2.2 -3.3 -4.4 -5.5 -6.6 -7.7 -8.8 -9.9 0] [true false false true]}

which can be read from ROOT/C++ like so:

$> root
root [0] .L ./testdata/event.h++
Info in <TUnixSystem::ACLiC>: creating shared library /home/binet/work/gonum/src/
Warning in cling::IncrementalParser::CheckABICompatibility():
  Possible C++ standard library mismatch, compiled with __GLIBCXX__ '20180831'
  Extraction of runtime standard library version was: '20181127'
root [1] auto f = TFile::Open("./out.root");
root [2] auto k = f->GetKey("my-evt");
root [3] auto ee = k->ReadObject<go_hep_org::x::hep::groot::redm::Event>()
(go_hep_org::x::hep::groot::redm::Event *) @0x7ffd104d0e10
root [4] ee->Name
(TString &) "hello"[5]
root [5] ee->evt
(long) 666
root [6] ee->run
(long) 42
root [7] ee->ArrF64
(double [10]) { -1.1000000, -2.2000000, -3.3000000, -4.4000000, -5.5000000, -6.6000000, -7.7000000, -8.8000000, -9.9000000, 0.0000000 }
root [8] ee->HLV.px
(double) 1.0000000
root [9] ee->
(double) 2.0000000
root [10] ee->HLV.pz
(double) 3.0000000
root [11] ee->HLV.e
(double) 4.0000000

how cool is that?!

there are still a few interesting things to handle:

  • Go slices
  • Go types that “inherit” from TObjects
  • STL containers
  • polymorphic containers

but hey… I can basically write almost any kind of Go values in a ROOT file (at the top level.)


PS. In what is the semantic of the /x/ part?

eXtra code.

it’s also a convenient way to separate end-points in the server:

  • everything under /x/ is Go code
  • everything else is doc, blogs, etc…

I piggy backed on (and others) where /x/ contains extra code, not part of the Go standard library but still interesting and well maintained.

Thank you. Philippe.

no, thank you!
I really appreciate the time you took to help me figure this out.

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