ROOT 6.18/04
running on linux
gcc 8.3.0
I’m trying to use TChain to chain in a bunch of data files together. These files each have two trees: rawdata and pulses.
I have code that many posters on ROOTTalk / the ROOT manual say will work but does not. Can anyone help?
TChain *chain_rawdata = new TChain("rawdata");
chain_rawdata -> Add("/PDSout_run000110-00049*_physics.root");
// the TChain declaration should have gotten the tree named rawdata
issue when trying to run:
Error in <TChain::LoadTree>: Cannot find tree with name rawdata in file PDSout_run000110-000490_10-17-2354_physics.root
(note I get this Error message for all 7 files I’m trying to chain in - numbers 490 - 496)
I opened this file in ROOT and it clearly does have rawdata and pulses trees in it.
Please read tips for efficient and successful posting and posting code
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